
    The Best Easy Peanut Butter Pie

    And when I say easy, I really do mean easy.

    Like, cream cheese, peanut butter, sugar, and Cool Whip kind of easy.

    Lifting slice of peanut butter pie.

    If this combination makes you raise your eyebrows, you’re not wrong. But I wouldn’t lie to you: somehow this gang of ingredients comes together to make a layer of fluffy peanut buttery filling that is pillowy, light, and incredibly rich all at the same time.


    In This Post: Everything You Need For Easy Peanut Butter Pie

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    Taking a bite of peanut butter pie with fork.

    Now listen up, kids. This is not really a recipe for normal times. Cream cheese, Cool Whip, Oreos… I understand that these are not foods that most of us try to eat on the regular.

    But sometimes you’re living this weird version of real life where you just do what you need to do, such as making an easy, totally luscious peanut butter pie just because it’s Tuesday. Or is it Tuesday?

    Things are hard, but unfancy peanut butter pie is not. It is comforting and steady and joy-bringing. It will see us through.

    Peanut butter pie recipe in a text message.

    The true sign of an unfancy recipe: when it gets shared via text like this. This recipe lives all over the internet but for me it comes via my friend Liz who brought this gem to dinner club a few months ago.

    Ingredients For This Creamy Peanut Butter Pie Recipe

    Unfancy ingredients ahead!

    • peanut butter
    • sugar
    • whipped topping
    • cream cheese
    • Oreos
    • butter (salted or unsalted butter works)

    That’s it, friends. So, so simple.

    Let’s Make The Easiest No-Bake Peanut Butter Pie

    Let’s walk it out.

    1. The crust. Buy one or make one. I like both Oreo crusts and graham cracker crusts, but I like Oreo crusts slightly more.
    2. Mix up your peanut butter filling in a large mixing bowl. Pour it in a 9-inch pie plate.
    3. Spread the filling. Chill in the fridge.
    4. Now slice into that peanut butter pie beauty, put your feet up, and give yourself a MOMENT.
    Oreo crust for peanut butter pie.
    Spreading peanut butter filling in pie crust.
    Peanut butter pie in pie dish.
    Taking a bite of peanut butter pie.

    Oreo Crust Vs. Graham Cracker Crust

    You really could go either way here. Both are really good, really solid crust options. With the peanut butter mixture, we just lean a liiiiitle bit more towards the chocolatey Oreo crust to let the flavors of chocolate and peanut butter sing together.

    Variations On This Peanut Butter Pie

    You could very easily make this your own. Maybe some chopped peanuts on top? Reese’s Pieces candy bits crushed up in the peanut butter filling? Hot fudge drizzles? Okay, we’re here for all of this. Our Mocha Peanut Butter Pie from the archives is a fancy step up, but equally as delicious as this pie

    For the rest of us, love live the simple joys of eating peanut butter pie for days!

    Easy Peanut Butter Pie: Frequently Asked Questions

    Can I use graham cracker crust instead of Oreo crust?

    Sure! That would be delicious!

    Can I make this dairy-free?

    Yes! Just use a dairy-free whipped topping and vegan butter.

    Is there a substitute I can use instead of Cool Whip?

    You can whip cream in place of the Cool Whip topping.

    How should I store leftovers?

    Just pop them in the freezer!


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    No Bake Cream Cheese Peanut Butter Pie in a pie pan with a spatula.

    The Best Easy Peanut Butter Pie

    • Author: Lindsay
    • Total Time: 20 minutes
    • Yield: 10 slices 1x


    The BEST Easy Peanut Butter Pie! A simple cookie crust under a layer of fluffy peanut buttery filling that is pillowy, light, and incredibly rich all at the same time.


    • 1 cup peanut butter
    • 1 cup sugar
    • 8 ounces whipped topping like Cool Whip
    • 8 ounces cream cheese

    Oreo Crust

    • 1 14ounce package Oreos
    • 5 tablespoons butter, melted


    1. Pulse Oreos in a food processor until crushed into fine crumbs. Add melted butter and stir to combine. Press into a 10-inch pie plate. Freeze while you mix the filling.
    2. Mix all filling ingredients together. Pour into the crust and smooth over the top. Freeze for 3-4 hours until solid.
    3. Slice and serve. Be changed forever.


    • Prep Time: 20 minutes
    • Cook Time: 0 minutes
    • Category: Dessert
    • Method: Freeze
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: peanut butter pie, peanut butter, oreo cookie pie, cookie pie crust, easy dessert, easy pie recipe

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    More Yummy Pie Recipes

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    Photo of reader's making this recipe.

    One More Thing!

    This recipe is part of our easy no-bake desserts page. Check it out!

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