
    Blender Lemon Pie

    Lemon pie with powdered sugar.
    This recipe is sponsored by ALDI

    This is not just lemon pie, okay?

    This is BLENDER lemon pie and it is for people who are honestly just too lazy to make pie. Eggs, butter, sugar, and literally a WHOLE LEMON get buzzed up in the blender and baked in a pie crust, and I swear what comes out of the oven is nothing short of springy, custardy, simple lemon magic.

    My grandma passed away a few years ago, but she used to call this Arizona Blender Lemon Pie, because, as you might recall if you are a longlonglongtime reader, she had lemon trees in her Arizona backyard, and she loved lemon desserts as I will remind you by pointing you in the direction of one of my first ever POY recipes.

    My grandma had a heart for bringing people together around food while also having exactly zero time for anything fancy or fussy. This recipe is so 100% her. Fresh Arizona lemons, a blender and a pre-made pie crust, and there. You have a simple and beautiful pie on the table.

    I actually have this recipe on a little notecard in her handwriting. Just… the best. ♡

    Recipe card for blender lemon pie.

    Grandma = love = lemon pie.

    How To Make Blender Lemon Pie

    Okay, here we go. Eggs, butter, sugar, lemons. And a splash of vanilla if you’re feeling extra. A store-bought pie crust if you don’t do homemade (I don’t).

    ALDI ingredients for blender lemon pie.

    I picked all five of these ingredients up for a steal at ALDI – and by picked these ingredients up I mean my Instacart shopper picked these ingredients up and brought them right to my front door because grocery delivery is life.

    If you’re a first-time ALDI Instacart shopper, PAY ATTENTION!

    You can grab $10 off your first ALDI order of $35 or more – just use the code ALDIPOY at checkout.

    Boom. Ten dolla in your pocket.

    Bonus: YOU CAN USE THAT CODE 3x. Enjoy your extra $30!

    Ingredients in blender for blender lemon pie.

    Next up: we blend. YES THE ENTIRE LEMON GOES IN THERE! I know. Trust.

    Once it’s blended: pour into a crust. Bake and cool. Yada yada yada.

    And then onto the good part:

    Your first, creamy, custardy, perfectly lemony bite. Important point of discussion: why is the top triangle bite always the best?

    Blender lemon pie with bite taken out.

    BRB cannot get enough.

    Blender lemon pie bite.

    All hail the Blender Lemon Pie! A springy, lemony, ridiculously creamy lemon pie on the table with no fancy fussing is my exact hope and dream for you this spring.


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    A picture of Blender Lemon Pie

    Blender Lemon Pie

    • Author: Lindsay
    • Total Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
    • Yield: 10 slices 1x


    Blender Lemon Pie! Eggs, butter, sugar, and a WHOLE LEMON blended up and poured into a crust. Springy, custardy, simple lemon magic. 


    • 4 Simply Nature Organic Cage Free Grade A Large Brown Eggs
    • 1/2 cup Countryside Creamery Salted Butter, melted
    • 1 whole lemon (see notes)
    • 1 1/4 cups Simply Nature Organic Cane Sugar
    • splash of vanilla (optional)
    • unbaked 9-inch Bake House Creations Pie Crust
    • powdered sugar and lemon slices for garnish


    1. Prep: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
    2. Blend: Cut the lemon into sections so you can remove the seeds. Put everything in the blender (yes, the whole lemon, rind and everything!) and blend until very smooth. You may still have some very small flecks of lemon rind – that’s great.
    3. Bake: Unroll pie crust and press into a 9-inch pie pan. Pour filling into the pie crust. Bake for 45 minutes or until set. Dust with powdered sugar and fancify the whole thing with a lil lemon slice or twist. Serve warm (it’ll be a little looser) or chilled for about 2 hours (thicker, more dense, and my personal preference).


    Lemons and Bitterness: We used a whole, regular lemon for this recipe. The white part of the lemon is the most bitter. If you’re sensitive to bitter foods and your lemon has a thick rind, we’d recommend peeling away part (or all) of that white rind. When we’re able to get lemons with thinner rinds, we have no issue blending in the lemon in full.

    • Prep Time: 30 minutes
    • Cook Time: 45 minutes
    • Category: Dessert
    • Method: Bake
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: blender lemon pie, lemon pie, easy lemon pie

    Recipe Card powered by Tasty Recipes logo

    Thank you to ALDI for sponsoring this post!

    One More Thing!

    This recipe is part of our collection of easy dessert recipes. Check it out!

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