
    Mocha Peanut Butter Pie

    Mocha Peanut Butter Pie in a pie dish.
    This recipe is sponsored by DeLallo

    This is Mocha Peanut Butter Pie, and THIS IS YOUR WARNING.

    Stop here. Proceed with caution.

    If you don’t want to lick beaters, if you don’t want to have a reason to snack on a few hundred peanut butter cups, if you don’t want to find yourself standing in front of the fridge at 11pm feasting on broken chunks of mocha cookie crust, then you need to find yourself another pie.

    This pie has:

    • a creamy peanut butter cheesecake layer;
    • a crushed chocolate cookie crust flavored with espresso;
    • a top layer of creamy chocolate ice cream;
    • chunks of peanut butter cups ribboned throughout;
    • a complete and utter hold on my life.

    Yeah. This pie is for people who are SERIOUS about their dessert.

    Mocha Peanut Butter Pie with ice cream drips.

    Here’s why I think it works:

    1. No-bake. Perfect for summer.
    2. Very easy.
    3. Peanut butter and chocolate, duh.
    4. A good mixture of textures: creamy, firm, crumbly, crunchy.
    5. A fairy dusting of espresso powder to the crust, adding necessary depth and richness that anchors the whole thing.

    To me, the espresso powder is really where the magic lies. In normal life, I try to stay away from caffeine, but this is different. This is not espresso for the sake of buzzing your brain. This is espresso for unmatched FLAVOR. I’m telling you – a few tablespoons of DeLallo Instant Espresso Powder (my secret baking weapon of choice) added to the crust just gives it that little extra somethin’ somethin’. Everyone who tried the pie commented on their love of the crust. It’s me, but it’s not just me.

    Let’s Make a Mocha Peanut Butter Pie:

    To begin: crushed chocolate sandwich cookies, espresso powder, and butter.

    Ingredients for Mocha Peanut Butter Pie crust.

    Mix, press, and chill.

    Pressing Mocha Peanut Butter Pie crust into pan.

    Spread in your creamy mixture of peanut butter, cream cheese, whipped cream and such. Chill again.

    Spreading peanut butter cheesecake into crust.

    Add your ice cream layer. Also a peanut butter cup layer should you happen to be one of those people who just can’t without the peanut butter cups (IT ME).

    Chocolate ice cream scoops on peanut butter pie base.

    And that’s all. Freeze, top with some more chocolate, and buckle your seatbelt because you are headed down a black hole of deliciousness.

    Taking bite out of Mocha Peanut Butter Pie.

    It is a very nice black hole filled with peanut butter and chocolate and mocha cookie crusts and cheesecake and ice cream dreams.

    We will see you next year.

    Bite taken out of Mocha Peanut Butter Pie on a plate with a fork.

    How To Make Our Mocha Peanut Butter Pie (1 Min):


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    Mocha Peanut Butter Pie in a pie dish with spatula.

    Mocha Peanut Butter Pie

    • Author:

    • Total Time:
      30 minutes

    • Yield:
      16+ (it’s very rich – small slices are a good idea) 1x


    Mocha Peanut Butter Pie! A mocha cookie crust filled with creamy peanut butter cheesecake and topped off with chocolate ice cream and plenty of peanut butter cups. My new favorite dessert!



    Crust Layer:

    Filling Layer:

    • 8 ounces cream cheese, softened
    • 1 cup creamy peanut butter
    • 3/4 cup powdered sugar
    • 1 tablespoon vanilla
    • 8 ounces whipped topping, thawed

    Topping Layers:

    • 20 mini peanut butter cups, cut into chunks
    • 45 big scoops of chocolate ice cream, softened
    • melted chocolate to drizzle (I like to use dark chocolate!)
    • chocolate chips (optional)


    1. Crust: Pulse cookies in a food processor until very finely ground (it helps to do this in batches). Transfer crumbs to a bowl and mix with the espresso powder and butter. Press into a 10-inch pie dish, spreading the crust across the bottom and up the sides. Pop the pie into the freezer while you prep the filling.
    2. Filling: Using an electric mixer, beat the cream cheese and peanut butter until smooth. Add powdered sugar and vanilla. Mix until smooth. Beat in the whipped topping until just combined. Spread into chilled pie. Top with half of the peanut butter cups and press them in gently. Freeze for an hour or so, until mostly firm.
    3. Top Layer: When the pie is mostly solid, spread the softened ice cream over the top. Smooth the top with a spatula. Top with remaining Reeses’ cups, chocolate chips, and a drizzle of melted chocolate. Freeze again until solid (about 3 hours, to be safe). Use a hot knife to cut into slices.


    To give enough room for all the layers, the best pie pan size is at least 10 inches in diameter and 2-3 inches deep.

    This would also be delicious as bars pressed into a 9×13 pan!

    • Prep Time: 30 minutes
    • Category: Dessert
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: mocha peanut butter pie, peanut butter pie, chocolate peanut butter pie

    Recipe Card powered by Tasty Recipes logo

    Thank you to DeLallo for sponsoring this recipe!

    One More Thing!

    This recipe is part of our easy chocolate desserts page. Check it out!

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