
    The Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich

    Gooooood mooooorning! Today I bring you one and only one very important message:

    This breakfast sandwich is life.

    The Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich on a plate

    Over-the-top, super-indulgently, must-make, weekend brunch LIFE. Sleep in, wake up, pull on sweatshirt, assemble bed head top knot, grab coffee, make sandwich.

    In This Post: Everything You Need To Know

    Let’s go!

    soft scrambled eggs on a plate with a fork

    What Ingredients Are In This Breakfast Sandwich

    Breakfast sandwich includes but not limited to:

    I extend all my breakfast sandwich love to any variations of this creation. English muffins. Pepperjack Cheese. Gouda cheese. Roasted red peppers. Magic Green Sauce. Fried eggs with a runny yolk.

    How To Make Eggs For a Breakfast Sandwich

    👆🏼 The essential is obviously the soft scramble, which we talked about at length earlier this week. This is no McD’s breakfast sandwich (although, to be fair, I have been known to eat and love a Sausage Biscuit with Egg in moments of weakness). But no, there are no perfectly formed egg disk here.

    We’re talking about super creamy, gently cooked, soft scrambled eggs. Life changing.

    If scrambled eggs aren’t your thing, you have options. You could make eggs on a sheet pan for a crowd. Cook your eggs fried or sunny side up. Poach it. Your choice!

    tomato sauce in a jar with a spoon

    Breakfast Sandwich: Frequently Asked Questions

    Can I use a different kind of bread for this sandwich?

    I mean, you could… but also a buttery toasted croissant here is just TOO GOOD. An English muffin would work great here in a pinch as well.

    What other sauces could I use?

    Magic Green Sauce would also be a REAL WIN here. Salsa. Your favorite hot sauce. Whatever you like to top on your eggs.

    What could I serve this with for brunch?

    A delicious simple arugula or mixed greens salad with vinaigrette would be great here. Also: fruit, juice and/or mimosas, pastries of some kind, and (obviously) lots of coffee.

    How could I make this vegetarian?

    Just omit the bacon! Maybe even replace with roasted mushrooms!? Yum.

    Could I freeze this breakfast sandwich?

    This is more of a fresh, slow weekend morning kind of breakfast sandwich. If you’re looking for something to prep ahead and freeze, take a look at our Meal Prep Breakfast Sandwiches with some easy sheet pan eggs.

    The Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich on a plate

    In the last month: I’ve made these for myself, then our team, then for our friend Joe when he stayed with us for a few days, and again during the week to make life a little more manageable. Overkill and I care zero percent. ♡

    It is just THE ULTIMATE breakfast sandwich.

    Go pick up some croissants.

    The Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich on a plate

    Crushing hard on that weekend lyfe.


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    Breakfast Sandwich on plate.

    The Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich

    • Author:

    • Total Time:
      15 minutes

    • Yield:
      4 sandwiches 1x


    The Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich with eggs, bacon, guacamole, chunky tomato sauce, pepper jack cheese, all on a toasted croissant. Kinda spicy. Kinda buttery. Kinda crunchy. Totally over the top.




    1. Toast your croissants for a few minutes in a 350 degree oven, cut side down on a cooking sheet. You can also do this in the toaster if your croissants fit in there.
    2. When croissants are toasted and all other ingredients are out and ready, cook up your eggs. SOFT SCRAMBLED, remember?
    3. Assemble sandwiches immediately, while eggs are at their best – a layer of tomato sauce, eggs, cheese, bacon, and guac on top. Holy wow.

    • Prep Time: 5 mins
    • Cook Time: 10 mins
    • Category: Breakfast
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: breakfast sandwich, egg and bacon breakfast sandwich, easy breakfast sandwich

    Recipe Card powered by Tasty Recipes logo

    Other Favorite Breakfast Sandwich Recipes

    Meal Prep Breakfast Sandwiches (sheet pan eggs – yes, SHEET PAN)

    The Best Avocado Egg Salad (our favorite spin on a retro classic)

    Breakfast Crunchwrap (skip the drive-thru and make this happen)

    Simple Poached Egg and Avocado Toast (simple, fresh, delicious)

    One More Thing!

    This recipe is part of our collection of favorite egg recipes. Check it out!

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