
    Breakfast Crunchwrap

    Breakfast Crunchwrap held in a hand.
    This recipe is sponsored by V&V SUPREMO®

    Let me cast a vision for you.

    Crispy hashbrowns snuggled up with scrambled eggs and sausage, plus a layer of creamy melted cheese, wrapped in a tortilla – CRUNCHWRAP STYLE – grilled to golden brown perfection, and you, warm, gooey crunchwrap in hand, asking yourself: where has this been all my brunch life?

    This is a breakfast crunchwrap, you guys. It is:

    • Loaded.
    • Extremely loaded.
    • Salty.
    • Crunchy.
    • Melty-cheesy.
    • Really good by itself.
    • Ready for toppings if you want.
    • SO YUMMY.
    • Like, honestly, so yummy.
    Strings of cheese coming out of a crunchwrap.

    Breakfast Crunchwrap Ingredients: Go.

    Ingredients for breakfast crunchwrap.

    First up: hashbrowns. I bought a pre-shredded bag and fried them up with lots of seasoning.

    Next up: eggs and sausage. Easy.

    Do not forget: the cheese.

    Let me remind you about my love for V&V Supremo® Chihuahua® Brand Quesadilla Cheese – it’s a very creamy, very smooth, very delicious, traditional Mexican melting cheese. Four words that I really like together. And BONUS: It’s made with REAL ingredients that give you the best authentic taste for all the crunchwrapping that’s about to go down.

    We buy the huge bag at Costco, because obviously. But there are plenty of other places to buy it. Use this handy finder to locate the goods. While you’re there, check out their other awesome Mexican-inspired recipes. Yum city.

    So Let’s Make A Breakfast Crunchwrap

    Steps to make a breakfast crunchwrap.

    Basically load it up, grab a filler piece, and fold it all up. Fry it in a skillet and prepare to be changed.

    Breakfast crunchwrap with Chihuahua Cheese.

    Are you even ready for this? Because THIS IS NOT A DRILL.

    Oh my cheesy goodness – salty, crispy, golden brown, super delicious breakfast crunchwraps, coming right up.

    Watch Our Video For How To Make a Breakfast Crunchwrap:


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    Two hands holding a big Breakfast Crunchwrap.

    Breakfast Crunchwrap

    • Author:

    • Total Time:
      45 minutes

    • Yield:
      4 large crunchwraps 1x


    Breakfast Crunchwrap! Crispy hashbrowns snuggled up with scrambled eggs and sausage, plus a layer of creamy melted cheese, wrapped in a tortilla and grilled to golden brown perfection.




    • 1 lb. hashbrown potatoes
    • 1/4 cup oil for frying
    • 1 tablespoon of taco seasoning, Southwestern spices, or Cajun spices
    • salt to taste


    • 1/2 lb. ground pork sausage
    • 6 eggs, beaten
    • 7 oz. shredded V&V Supremo® Chihuahua® Brand Quesadilla Cheese (love this for smooth and creamy melting!)
    • 5 burrito-sized flour tortillas


    1. Hashbrowns: Heat the oil over medium heat in a large, wide skillet. Working in batches, add hashbrown potatoes in a thin layer, dust with some spices, and press them gently with a spatula. Cook until golden brown and crispy. Flip and repeat. Remove in chunks with a spatula and transfer to a paper towel lined plate. Season with salt.
    2. Sausage and Eggs: Brown the sausage in a large nonstick skillet. When the sausage is cooked, drain off excess oil. Turn the heat down. Add the eggs to the hot pan with the sausage and gently stir around with a spatula until just barely set.
    3. Tortilla Pieces: Lay a large tortilla on a flat surface. Cut into fourths (you’ll use these as a filler piece).
    4. Crunchwrap Time: Layer hashbrowns, sausage and egg mixture, and your V&V Supremo® Chihuahua® Brand Quesadilla Cheese. Place a filler piece of tortilla over the top and fold the edges of the tortilla inwards, one section at a time. It will kind of make a star shape (watch the video for a demo). Place in a hot oiled skillet. Cook for a few minutes on each side until the exterior is firm, crunchy, and golden brown. Cut and serve!


    You can make these ahead and freeze them! Your future self will thank you. When you’re ready to eat them, thaw them out, pan-fry, and voila. Easy brunching on the weekend! 

    • Prep Time: 30 minutes
    • Cook Time: 15 minutes
    • Category: Breakfast
    • Method: Sauté
    • Cuisine: Mexican

    Keywords: breakfast crunchwrap, egg crunchwrap, hashbrown crunchwrap

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    Thank you to V&V Supremo® for sponsoring this post!

    One More Thing!

    This recipe is part of our collection of favorite egg recipes. Check it out!

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