
    The Best Avocado Egg Salad

    Avocado Egg Salad on a bagel.

    The fact that I am even eating any variation of an Egg Salad right now is a sign that these are strange and alarming times. I don’t know what’s gotten into me – I get a craving for Egg Salad approximately once every five to eight years, so even without the newish addition of avocado, this was already kind of a big deal.

    But then I went and used mashed avocado for the base instead of mayo.

    Not because I don’t love mayo – I actually do love mayo and I can handle the judgement. More because I felt a little peer pressure from Instagram and some of my favorite blogs who have gone before me with this recipe. The avocado-egg power combo seems to be on every crevice of the internet. Poached egg and avocado toast – absolutely. I’m there, all day every day. But avocado egg salad? That’s going to require more of a jump from me. I needed to think about it for a few years first.

    How To Make Our Avocado Egg Salad:

    Avocado Egg Salad on a bagel.

    Today I stand here to tell you that I’ve taken that jump – I’ve leveled up my avocado-egg-power-combo game to include Avocado Egg Salad – and my oh my. IT DOES NOT DISAPPOINT. It silky-smooth, creamy-dreamy delicious.

    I need (NEED) zip in all the foods in my life, so I went wayyy heavy on the lemon juice, and I also got a little aggressive with the dill addition because dill tastes like the best parts of summer to me. Both very solid decisions. #humblebrag

    All in all, I ended up with an egg salad situation that is very next level. Very not-egg-salady, for those of you who are like me and think you don’t like egg salad.

    Avocado Egg Salad in a bowl with a wooden spoon.
    Avocado Egg Salad in a bowl with a spoon.

    Let’s briefly analyze the everything bagel situation, if we may.

    An everything bagel is quite possibly one of the most best-tasting, under-acknowledged, beautiful food creations of my lifetime. The thing about everything bagels is that you forget they exist. No one has everything bagels on their regular grocery list. But everyone loves everything bagels. They go with everything. They ARE everything.

    In this case, the combo of salty, crunchy, oniony bagel with the mild and creamy avocado egg salad has built the foundation of my summer lunches. It is beyond good, and it’s basically health on a bun because eggs and avocado.

    Avocado Egg Salad in a bagel.

    My goal for this summer is to make really good recipes. That sounds obvious, and it is. But in my mind, I’m viewing these summer recipes as recipes I’d feel super, super solid recommending to you as weekly warm-weather meal staples.

    This is one of those recipes. ❤

    Avocado, eggs, dill if you want (YOU DO WANT), lemon juice, salt… and an Everything Bagel. The world is your oyster.


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    Avocado Egg Salad on an everything bagel.

    The Best Avocado Egg Salad

    • Author:

    • Total Time:
      20 minutes

    • Yield:
      5 (heaping 1/2 cup each) 1x


    Avocado Egg Salad – no mayo here! just avocados, eggs, herbs, lemon juice, and salt. Especially good on an everything bagel. Just saying.



    • 2 avocados
    • 8 eggs
    • a handful of dill
    • a handful of parsley
    • juice of one lemon
    • a pinch of salt
    • a drizzle of olive oil (as needed)


    1. Hard boil the eggs. Cover the eggs with water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, turn heat off, cover and rest (on hot burner) for 8-10 minutes. Run under cold water and break off the shells. Cut the eggs into small pieces.
    2. Mash the avocados. Mash the avocados in a bowl with the back of a large wooden spoon until mostly smooth.
    3. Mix and serve. Mix the eggs with the avocados, herbs, lemon juice, salt, and olive oil if you need it. Serve immediately at room temperature, or chill and serve cold.


    I LOVE LOVE LOVE this avocado egg salad on an everything bagel. It’s just dreamy.

    Taste and adjust as you go – I like mine with a little more of a bite so I go heavy on the lemon juice and dill.

    • Prep Time: 10 minutes
    • Cook Time: 10 minutes
    • Category: Lunch
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: avocado egg salad, egg salad recipe, healthy egg salad

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    This recipe is part of our must-have lemon recipes page. Check it out!

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