
    What I Ate Wednesday • May

    What I Ate Wednesday header.

    Hello and welcome to my private food life!

    As in, the foods I eat when I’m just… living life. Like a person. Not in food blog mode.

    My eating this month has been a little bit all over the place. I had a weekend birthday binge of very delicious, well, birthday-type foods, and then I ate raw vegetables in the form of this brussels and kale caesar for, like, a week straight.

    A little bit healthy, a little bit French fries… such is my life.

    Here’s WIAW, May edition!


    Puffins in a bowl with almond milk.

    And now I shall impress you all with… a bowl of cereal!

    This is Puffins cereal (original flavor – of key importance) with vanilla almond milk.

    And this is about 1/100th of what I ate. Serving sizes on cereal boxes might be one of the greatest public deceptions of our time. 3/4 cup?! Please.

    This pour-and-go breakfast is very unfancy, and also mysteriously delicious. If you’ve had Puffins you know what I’m talking about. Why are they these little dry crunchy boxes so tasty when submerged in milk? It shocks me every time.


    Oranges in a bowl.

    Nope, didn’t change out of pajamas yet.

    Yep, struggled to peel the orange.

    I don’t even know. It was one that was so juicy that it divided out into chunks rather than segments. Someone tell me you know what I’m talking about.


    Tempeh in a bowl with rice and avocado.

    Well, hello tempeh, you beautiful thing you!

    I think this might have been my first time cooking tempeh at home. I used a recipe from the Chloe Flavor cookbook for “tempeh bacon” that was supposed to go on a BLT. Instead, I threw it on some leftover rice, tossed some greens in the extra marinade, and cubed some avocado on top.

    You guys, the tempeh. I made some changes to the recipe, and no, it did not taste like bacon, but that doesn’t even matter because it was SERIOUSLY DELICIOUS. I can’t wait to get this into more official recipe form for you.

    Drink Snack

    Kirkland Organic Coconut Water.

    Is Drink Snack a thing?

    I’m trying to reduce my usage of individually packaged food items, but I’m having a hard time quitting these little coconut waters. They are just the right amount of sweet when regular water is starting to get boring.


    Pasta and mushrooms in a bowl.

    This pasta was very on-the-fly, and very, very, very good.

    I will spare you the full explanation of how I got to this combination and just outline for you what all is going on here:

    • whole wheat penne
    • jarred red sauce – Rao’s, I think?
    • tahini
    • shiitake mushrooms
    • a very loose rendition of cashew parm

    It’s bizarre, but wow. SO GOOD.

    Nightly TV Snack

    BarkThins bag with hot tea.

    In a moment of genius / weakness last week, I bought a bag of this stuff and I cannot quit. It is my ultimate favorite night-time salty-sweet / crispy treat, tied with those sugary-salty dark chocolate almonds from Trader Joe’s.

    Also, hot tea. Always!

    Please Report Back

    What have YOU been eating? I mean, if you’re a professional chef on a Tuesday night at home, that’s great. But mostly what I like to talk about when it comes to food is the regular and the un-fancy! ♡

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