
    Brussels & Kale Caesar with Cheezy Garlic Croutons

    Brussels & Kale Caesar in a bowl with Cheezy Garlic Croutons.

    We have some things to talk about.

    Er, THING. A single thing.

    Specifically, a kale and brussels caesar that will make spring your favorite eating season.

    We are talking papery-thin shreds of fresh brussels sprouts and a few handfuls of finely chopped lacinato kale, tossed and *thoroughly* saturated with a creamy, garlicky, avocado-based vegan caesar dressing that is puckery and briney in all the best ways. All that plus a scoop of the world’s most addicting cheezy garlic croutons and WE ARE ALL IN A REALLY GOOD MOOD.

    Let’s Make A Kale and Brussels Vegan Caesar Salad!

    I get it. The dressing (avocado, garlic, lemon, salt, a little mayo for creaminess) doesn’t look super pretty, but TRUST. It will bring this whole thing together.

    Avocado caesar dressing in a food processor.

    Cheezy Garlic Croutons – we have already discussed my obsession for these at length. They are non-negotiable.

    Cheezy garlic croutons on a sheet pan.

    No iceberg lettuce here, guys. This caesar brings in the A team: lacinato kale (the deep, dark stuff) and brussels sprouts.

    The most important thing to make this whole thing work: A GOOD CHOP. Nobody needs to be eating huge chunks of kale right now, okay? Give it all a good knife (or mandoline) treatment.

    Ingredients for Brussels & Kale Caesar in a bowl.

    Toss it up and you’re good!

    Wait. Toss it up, taste, adjust, eat five hundred cheezy garlic croutons, and NOW you’re good.

    Close up of Brussels & Kale Caesar.

    Thank you, vegan caesar salad, for teaching us all how to crave raw vegetables. ♡

    Here is the recipe for the Cheezy Garlic Croutons!

    Check Out Our Video For How To Make Brussels and Kale Caesar:

    Click here to see the step-by-step web story instructions for this recipe!


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    A brussels sprouts salad with croutons and a lemon.

    Brussels and Kale Caesar

    • Author: Lindsay
    • Total Time: 30 minutes
    • Yield: 6 meal-sized salads 1x


    Brussels & Kale Caesar! Papery-thin shreds of brussels sprouts and chopped lacinato kale, tossed with a creamy, garlicky, avocado-based vegan caesar dressing, topped off with the most addicting cheezy garlic croutons.



    Vegan Caesar Dressing:

    • 1/2 cup water
    • 1 avocado
    • 1/4 cup mayo (regular or vegan)
    • 1 clove garlic
    • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
    • 1 teaspoon dijon mustard
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 2 tablespoons caper brine (optional! – replace with more lemon juice and salt)

    Brussels & Kale Caesar:

    • 12 ounces brussels sprouts (68 cups shredded)
    • 1 bunch lacinato kale (68 cups chopped)
    • Cheezy Garlic Croutons


    1. Dressing: Pulse all ingredients together in a food processor until smooth. Taste and adjust.
    2. Salad: Finely chop the kale. Shred the brussels with a mandoline. Make your croutons.
    3. Serve: When you’re ready to eat, toss the brussels, kale, dressing, and croutons together and enjoy! You can eyeball / modify the amounts of kale, brussels, dressing, and croutons that you use depending on your tastes and how many people you’re serving.



    This will make about 1 1/2 cups of dressing.

    This preps super well (just store everything separately in the fridge!), but it won’t keep well once it’s tossed with dressing, so be sure to toss together only the amount that you’ll eat.

    Garnish salads with lemon wedges and throw some capers on there if you’re bold.

    • Prep Time: 30 minutes
    • Category: Salad
    • Method: Toss
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: vegan caesar salad, brussels and kale caesar salad, brussels sprout salad

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    One More Thing!

    This recipe is part of our collection of yummy kale recipes. Check it out!

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