
    Harvest Wild Rice Skillet

    Apples, squash, sauteed onions, wild rice, and baby kale in a skillet with a wooden spoon.


    Meaning (in my world) produce of the fall that makes you feel warm, fuzzy, and cozy, like crispy juicy apples and delicate buttery squash. And that’s exactly what we have going on in this wild rice skillet, with some onions and butter (always, you guys. always.), a handful of grated Provolone, and a hearty scoop of chewy, nutty, Minnesota-native wild rice to bring it all home. Represent.

    Apples, squash, sauteed onions, wild rice, and baby kale in a skillet with a wooden spoon.

    Lately I’ve been hearing rumors that people don’t like squash.

    If that’s true, then I am sharing this recipe in squash-loving vain. But I feel it deep down: some of you like squash too, right? I just feel it. Food vibes, people. Foooood vibes.

    I am usually more of a pureed squash kinda person, like butternut squash soup, or butternut squash sauce for my mac and cheese, or kabocha squash creamified and currified as a base for lentils. But this time I gave my Blendtec a break. I decided to leave the squash in pieces this time because I recently found that sauteeing it with just the butter and the thyme is like something otherworldly. The flavors are unbeatable.

    If you’re really lucky, you’ll get a little browning on the outside of the squash which is like winning the squash jackpot. On the particular day that I made this, I was

    1. in a hurry
    2. using up leftover wild rice
    3. finding a purpose for a random bag of frozen cubed squash

    which is why I didn’t get lucky enough to have the nice browning on the squash. But if you use fresh squash, you will be that lucky and you’ll love it.

    Woman holding a skillet with a wooden spoon.

    So the idea here is it’s a skillet so it’s just all these good things jiving together in the pan and then scooped into a bowl and eaten with a fork. It’s not really a soup or a casserole or anything like that… just a skillet. I know you get me.

    Oh hey. One more thing. Bjork and I are vacationing in Montana for the next ten days with our best friends (weeeeeeeeeeeo!) and I’m looking forward to sharing some of the journey on Instagram in case you like that sorta looking-at-other-peoples-vacation-pictures thing like I do.

    Also, if you yourself live in Montana, it’s only a matter of time before we’ll be neighbors because I’m moving here ASAP. Love. It.


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    Harvest Wild Rice Skillet: a 30-minute vegetarian dinner featuring the best foods of fall. 230 calories. |

    Harvest Wild Rice Skillet


    Apples, squash, sauteed onions, wild rice, and baby kale come together with melted cheese for a yummy Wild Rice Skillet. Perfect for fall!


    • 1 small onion, minced
    • 1 tablespoon butter
    • 2 cups peeled, cubed butternut squash
    • 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme (more to taste)
    • 2 cups cooked wild rice
    • 2 cups baby kale
    • 2 cups chopped (crispy juicy unpeeled) apples
    • 2 tablespoons cream, milk, or butter
    • 1/2 cup shredded Provolone cheese
    • salt to taste


    1. Saute the onion and butter in a large skillet over medium high heat until the onions are soft and translucent.
    2. Add the squash and thyme; saute for 5-8 minutes, until the squash is fork-tender but not mushy. Add the baby kale and wild rice and stir to combine. Add the cream, milk, or butter if the mixture needs a little moisture to help it all get groovy together.
    3. Add the apples last so they stay crispy. Add the cheese and stir a few times to get it melted into the ingredients.


    I used quick cooking wild rice that was prepared in the rice cooker the day before Here’s a post on how I peeled my kabocha squash in the Philippines – the same would apply for the butternut squash in this recipe. This would also be delish with a handful of toasted nuts. I am drooling as I type.

    • Prep Time: 5 mins
    • Cook Time: 30 mins
    • Category: Dinner
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: wild rice skillet, harvest skillet, fall skillet recipe

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