
    Butternut Squash Mac and Cheese with Caramelized Onions, Bacon, and Apple

    Butternut squash mac and cheese with caramelized onions, crispy bacon, and fresh sweet apples in a blue bowl.

    I have a thing for butternut squash mac and cheese, mostly because I have a thing for secretly healthy things that don’t seem healthy.

    But the butternut squash is just the beginning.  In case you didn’t notice by the longest blog title ever, there is a ton of good stuff in this mac and cheese, because sometimes I just need to add in everything.

    And by everything, I mean caramelized onions, fresh crispy sweet apples, and crispy bacon

    Are you in love yet?  My stomach is happy and so are my skinny jeans and so is my husband.  This is a delicious miracle!

    Now, for the moment of truth. Come on, you can uncover your eyes. This mac n’ cheese is almost guilt-free!

    And I guess if you wanted to be a little weird, you could leave out the cheese for an even more guilt free (but still creamy and super delicious) meal!

    Butternut squash mac and cheese with caramelized onions, crispy bacon, and fresh sweet apples on a fork.


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    A picture of <span class="fn">Butternut Squash Mac n’ Cheese with Bacon, Caramelized Onions, and Apples

    Butternut Squash Mac n’ Cheese with Bacon, Caramelized Onions, and Apples


    This healthy butternut squash mac and cheese has caramelized onions, crispy bacon, and fresh sweet apples. It’s my go-to comfort food!



    • 1/2 box whole grain elbow macaroni (about 2.5 cups dry)
    • 1 cup canned butternut squash puree
    • 1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons evaporated milk
    • 1/4 cup chicken or vegetable broth
    • 1 oz low fat cream cheese
    • 1 teaspoon salt
    • 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
    • 1 tablespoon butter
    • 1/2 cup onions, sliced thinly
    • 1 large crispy apple, chopped or grated
    • 4 tablespoons crumbled bacon


    1. Heat butter in a skillet over low heat. When melted, add onions and let caramelize for at least 30 minutes for the best flavor. Keep heat on low/low-medium.
    2. Cook the pasta according to directions. Drain and return to pan over low heat. Add butternut squash, chicken broth, evaporated milk, and cream cheese. When combined, add in salt.
    3. Add onions and apples to the pasta. Stir to combine and add a tablespoon more broth or milk if needed.
    4. Just before serving, mix in cheese and stir until melted. Top each serving with 1 tablespoon bacon.


    Because there’s very little butter, it can “dry out” quickly, especially once off the heat. Add a tablespoon of water, milk, or broth if you need to get it back to its original creaminess.

    • Prep Time: 30 mins
    • Cook Time: 20 mins
    • Category: Dinner
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: healthy butternut squash mac and cheese, healthy mac and cheese, squash mac and cheese

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    If this is eating healthy, I like it.

    I also like rewarding myself with these cookies afterwards.

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