
    Gnocchi with Creamy Mushroom Sauce

    Gnocchi in a creamy mushroom sauce in a bowl with a fork.
    This recipe is sponsored by DeLallo.

    Say hello to a steaming bowl of gnocchi swimming in a silky creamy sauce that’s laced with thyme and loaded with little slips of garlic butter-browned mushrooms. Dust the whole thing with Parm and some freshly ground black pepper… it’s elite.

    My Love Letter To This Mushroom Gnocchi

    Can you make a core memory at age 29? Because years ago I went on a brand trip with the Italian food brand DeLallo, and we all sat around the dining table in this beautiful 100-year-old house eating big steaming bowls of gnocchi with heavy scoops of creamy mushroom sauce.

    And as a result, I haven’t stopped thinking about creamy mushroom gnocchi since 2015.

    It’s silky, it’s comforting, it tastes like the holidays and home.

    This whole thing is minimalist and elegant; easy enough for a weeknight but also 100% holiday-ready.

    I’ve made this for dinner club (“gnocchi night” which will be talked about for years to come), and also for a family-style dinner with my parents, served with pan-fried chicken where everybody went back for seconds. I’ve also eaten this on my couch in my sweats while watching TV at the tip-top peak of coziness. It can dress up or down.

    DeLallo gnocchi is my go-to for store bought gnocchi, but a few other gnocchi ideas to make it just how you want: homemade potato gnocchi, store-bought cauliflower gnocchi, or homemade cauliflower gnocchi! If you want a dairy free sub for the heavy cream, try a knob of this cream cheese melted into the sauce. And for serving, I never say no to this simplest little green salad.

    How To Make This Dreamy Gnocchi


    Sauté the mushrooms and garlic.

    Butter and thinly sliced mushrooms go in the pan – once they’re browned up nicely, garlic comes in to join the party.

    Sautéing mushrooms and garlic in a nonstick pan.


    Add cream, broth, and thyme.

    Make those mushrooms into a sauce! Besides the cream and broth, I like to also add a small amount of cornstarch slurry to thicken the sauce a bit so that it really clings to the gnocchi in the pan.

    Adding cream and thyme to the pan with mushrooms.


    Add cooked gnocchi.

    I use the DeLallo mini gnocchi which is delightful in every way. Cook it, toss it in there, and give it all a big stir. Pull out your thyme sprigs, add your Parmesan.

    Stirring gnocchi into creamy mushroom sauce in a pan.


    You’re done! Yum!

    Get this into some comfy pasta bowls and top with lots of Parm, salt, pepper, and little bits of thyme! So good.

    Creamy mushroom gnocchi in a bowl with parmesan sprinkled on top.

    Watch How To Make This Gnocchi


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    Mushroom gnocchi in a bowl with a fork.

    Gnocchi with Creamy Mushroom Sauce

    • Author:

    • Total Time:
      35 minutes

    • Yield:
      6 servings 1x


    Delicious pillowy gnocchi swimming in a silky creamy sauce that’s laced with thyme and loaded with little slips of garlic butter-browned mushrooms! Oh, this is so good.




    Creamy Mushroom Sauce

    • 2 tablespoons butter
    • 16 ounces white button or baby bella mushrooms, cut into thin slices
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
    • 1 1/2 cups chicken broth (+ an additional 1/4 cup as needed)
    • 3/4 cup heavy cream
    • 3 sprigs fresh thyme
    • 1 tablespoon cornstarch dissolved in 1 tablespoon cold water
    • 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese


    • two 16-ounce packages gnocchi, prepared according to package directions (I use DeLallo and I love their mini-size gnocchi for this!)


    1. Cook the mushrooms and garlic: Melt the butter over medium heat. Add sliced mushrooms; sauté until golden. Once they’re golden, add salt – this will draw out some of the water. Cook the mushrooms down so some of the water can evaporate. Add garlic and sauté for 2-3 minutes, until fragrant.
    2. Make your sauce: Add broth, cream, and thyme. Bring to a simmer and let it cook for 5-10 minutes. Add cornstarch slurry to thicken. (This is a good time to boil your gnocchi if you haven’t already.)
    3. Add your gnocchi: Remove thyme sprigs from the sauce; add Parmesan and stir to melt it in. Add your cooked gnocchi and gently stir to combine. Season with salt and pepper; add additional broth if needed to keep the sauce nice and silky.
    4. You’re done! Yum. Scoop hot, steamy, saucy gnocchi into bowls, top with Parm, salt, and pepper, and enjoy your life.


    If you like a higher ratio of mushrooms to sauce / gnocchi, you can use more like 1.5, or even just 1, package of gnocchi. As written, this will make enough to serve 6-ish people.

    If you want to go all out and use homemade gnocchi in this (drool), here’s a guide to making homemade gnocchi!

    • Prep Time: 15 minutes
    • Cook Time: 20 minutes
    • Category: Dinner
    • Method: Stovetop
    • Cuisine: Italian

    Keywords: gnocchi, mini gnocchi, mushroom gnocchi, creamy mushroom sauce, mushroom sauce

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    Frequently Asked Questions For This Gnocchi

    Can I make my own gnocchi?

    Sure can! We actually have an entire how-to on making your own gnocchi.

    What can I use instead of mushrooms?

    This is a delicious sauce even without the mushrooms (though it adds that delicious umami flavor that I love!), but if you want a veggie of some kind, sautéed spinach would work well.

    Can I make this gluten-free?

    DeLallo also sells delicious gluten-free mini gnocchi! Just swap those in for regular gnocchi and you’re good to go.

    Three More Ways To Use Gnocchi

    Thank you to DeLallo for sponsoring this recipe!

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