
    Easy Homemade Blueberry Sauce

    Why have breakfast for breakfast when you can have breakfast for dinner? And lunch. And snack. And okay fine also breakfast. 

    Blueberry sauce in a bowl with a spoon

    Because this sweet, chunky, glazey, drippy blueberry sauce is basically screaming to be drizzled over some light fluffy pancakes or golden crisp waffles right now. But we want to be honest, we drizzle it over everything over here. Ice cream, check. Greek yogurt, uh huh. Crackers, pie crust, a bowl of cottage cheese, oatmeal, toast, rounding out your charcuterie board…watch out! 

    Drizzled over a beautiful grilled flank steak or pork loin?! We don’t know, probably! Someone try!

    So I guess more specifically, why limit this super easy, super delectable blueberry sauce to just breakfast when you could have it on everything. All day long. Everything all day blueberry sauce, yes and yes. 

    In This Post: Everything You Need For Easy Homemade Blueberry Sauce

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    Frozen blueberries in a bowl

    Ingredients For This Blueberry Sauce Recipe

    The list is so very short and simple to make this dream a reality, so get all your drizzle plans ready.

    • blueberries (fresh or frozen!)
    • sugar
    • cornstarch
    • vanilla
    • water

    That’s it! Go! Grab them!

    Homemade blueberry sauce in a pan with sugar

    How To Make Homemade Blueberry Sauce

    Now that you’ve rifled through your freezer and pantry like a wild person, your next question is assuredly, “Okay, how?!” So easy. Let’s do this.

    1. Place half the blueberries in a small saucepan and cover with water, add sugar and vanilla. Let the mixture come to a low boil over medium heat and the blueberries just start to break apart.
    2. Add in dissolved cornstarch and bring mixture to a rolling boil. Let it simmer on low for a bit until you reach your ideal consistency. (You can add teensy bits of water if it gets too thick.)
    3. Remove from heat, transfer to a small bowl, and add the rest of the blueberries! Grab a spoonful of these berries and serve hot or cold on everything forever.
    Homemade blueberry sauce on pancakes

    What To Put This Sauce On

    We kind of want to cheat here and just say “What NOT to put this sauce on” and then just leave this section blank.

    But seriously, get creative. Get excited. Get it on all the things. Want to try it on these whole grain power pancakes or double up your blueberry joy by drizzling over these fluffiest blueberry pancakes? Over a fresh blueberry peach cake? Maybe on these overnight oats? Maybe on a big ol’ slice of cheesecake? You could also just grab that vanilla ice cream out of your freezer and set yourself up for a real treat. Pretty much all desserts will be singing songs with this sauce piled high on top.

    Or make a loaf of no-knead bread, tear off a warm steamy hunk and absolutely douse it in butter and a smear of this sauce. Yes. YES MA’AM. 

    Very excited for you to have this in your life right now. And do report back if you try that steak thing. Inquiring blueberry sauce lovers are dying to know.

    Easy Homemade Blueberry Sauce: Frequently Asked Questions

    Can I freeze leftovers of this sauce?

    Sure can…if you even have leftovers!

    Would this be good on cheesecake?

    Ummm it would be AMAZING on cheesecake!

    Can I make this sauce with another kind of berry?

    That should work! Strawberries, blackberries, whatever you like.


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    Blueberry sauce in a bowl

    Easy Homemade Blueberry Sauce

    • Author:
      Pinch of Yum

    • Total Time:
      15 minutes

    • Yield:
      6 servings 1x


    This easy blueberry sauce is made with fresh blueberries, sugar, vanilla, and corn starch. Thick, sweet, and perfect for topping pancakes.




    • 3 cups blueberries (fresh or frozen)
    • 1 cup water
    • 1/2 cup sugar
    • 1 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch, dissolved into 3 tablespoons water
    • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla


    1. Place 1 1/2 cups blueberries in a small saucepan. Cover with water and add sugar and vanilla. Heat over medium-high heat until mixture comes to a low boil and blueberries just start to break apart.
    2. Add dissolved cornstarch to saucepan and bring mixture to a rolling boil. Turn heat down and simmer on low heat for 2-3 minutes, or until sauce reaches desired consistency. Add water, one tablespoon at a time, if the sauce gets too thick.
    3. Remove from heat. Add remaining blueberries and stir gently. Serve warm or cold.

    • Prep Time: 5 minutes
    • Cook Time: 10 minutes
    • Category: Sauce
    • Method: Boil
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: blueberry sauce, blueberries, pancake sauce, fruit sauce

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    Let’s Keep Making Blueberry Goodness

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