
    Fluffiest Blueberry Pancakes

    Blueberry pancakes on a plate with syrup and butter.

    *Happily revisiting this recipe from last summer with a few recipe tweaks and updates! I made a hot and fresh batch on Instagram Stories today if you want to watch it come together!

    You can fancify pancakes all you want, but can you really ever deny a butter-soaked blueberry pancake laced with maple syrup and dripping with hot, bursty blue juices?

    If you can, you are probably not human.

    These Are 5-Star Pancakes!

    You guys are not going to believe this, but BJORK was the person who first made these pancakes for me. He went through a phase (it was definitely a phase as it seems to be done for now) where he would make pancakes for me on Saturdays, and in his very professional pancake research and extensive testing – LOLS – he came across an unfancy, unfussy recipe for a five-star batch of standard, fluffy, buttermilky pancakes.

    And do you know what? They are so good that they have permanently become our standard pancake recipe.

    These are THICK, so if you don’t like thick pancakes, we might be in a little fight right now. They are just the right amount of sweet and melt-in-your-mouth delicious. The first few times I ate them, I ate them completely PLAIN. As in, no butter, no syrup, no nothing.

    DO YOU EVEN HEAR WHAT I AM SAYING? They were so good that I was eating. them. plain.

    Prefer To Watch Instead Of Read?

    Egg and flour in a bowl for blueberry pancakes.

    So we were already making these a lot. Sans blueberries, sans syrup. Just plain old LIFE-CHANGING pancakes.

    But now that it’s summer and we are revisiting Costco for the sole reason of huge containers of ripe organic fruit, I have been unable to keep the fistfuls of blueberries out of my pancakes.

    And I regret nothing.

    Close-up of blueberries for blueberry pancakes.

    The Inspo For These Pancakes

    Bjork’s AllRecipes pancake recipe base (modified slightly! you know how I am) plus a little assortment of fresh blueberries tucked in there for good measure?

    This is the stuff of summery Saturday morning dreams.

    Blueberry pancakes on a plate with syrup and butter.

    This recipe serves 2 people, I’d say, which is kind of perfect for us because we don’t end up with 800 million pancakes leftover. But keep in mind that that’s coming from a pretty pancake-hoggy person – we make them big and we each eat multiples.

    Fluffy pancake goodness. Blueberry pockets. Butter. Syrup.




    Bite of blueberry pancakes on a fork.

    Common Questions About Blueberry Pancakes

    Is there an alternative to blueberries I can use?

    Definitely! May we recommend fresh raspberries or chocolate chips?

    What can I substitute for buttermilk?

    Just a bit of milk and vinegar will work instead. You can check out this post here for how to mix things up.

    How do I know when to flip my pancakes?

    When you start to see tiny bubbles coming to the surface of your pancake, this is a good time to flip ’em.


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    Blueberry pancakes with syrup and butter.

    Fluffiest Blueberry Pancakes

    • Author:

    • Total Time:
      20 minutes

    • Yield:
      2 servings (makes 4-6 pancakes) 1x


    Super thick and fluffy blueberry pancakes! Melt in your mouth, golden brown, and bursting with blueberries.



    • 3/4 cup milk
    • 2 tablespoons white vinegar
    • 1 cup flour
    • 2 tablespoons sugar
    • 1 teaspoon baking powder
    • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 1 egg
    • 2 tablespoons melted butter
    • 1+ cup fresh blueberries
    • more butter for the pan


    1. Mix the milk and vinegar and let it sit for a minute or two (you’re making “buttermilk” here).
    2. Whisk the dry ingredients together. Whisk the egg, milk, and melted butter into the dry ingredients until just combined.
    3. Heat a nonstick pan over medium heat. Melt a little smear of butter in the pan (essential for giving a yummy golden brown crust).
    4. Pour about 1/3 cup of batter into the hot skillet and spread it flat-like (it will be pretty thick). Arrange a few blueberries on top. Cook until you see little bubbles on top and the edges starting to firm up. Flip and cook for another 1-2 minutes until the pancakes are sky-high fluffy and cooked through.
    5. Serve with butter and maple syrup. But honestly, sometimes I just like to eat these plain. YUM, YUM, YUM.



    Texture: For thick pancakes, use 3/4 cup milk as directed. For lighter, slightly less fluffy pancakes, use 1 cup milk.

    Dairy Free: Use almond milk or another non-dairy milk, and melted coconut oil in place of the butter.

    • Prep Time: 10 minutes
    • Cook Time: 10 minutes
    • Category: Breakfast
    • Method: Pan Fry
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: blueberry pancakes, fluffy pancakes, pancake recipe

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    Time To Show You Off!

    Stacks of blueberry pancakes on plates.

    One More Thing!

    This recipe is part of our delicious berry recipes page. Check it out!

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