
    Cyber Monday Sale for Food Blogger Pro

    Gobblepalooza logo.

    Can I just say one thing? I love that Cyber Monday is real life.

    And another thing: I love that right now yearly Food Blogger Pro memberships are on sale for $75 off!

    And one more thing? I had nothing to do with the name of this sale. BJORRRRK.

    Cyber Monday was basically made for at-home, internet-shopping, pajama-loving me. Cross your fingers that I get any work done today because at this very moment Etsy, warm gingerbread muffins, slippers, and are sounding juuust about right for picking out some new scarves I MEAN getting my shopping list done.

    But anyway. Here we are – we all survived Thanksgiving and Black Friday, which isn’t saying much for me since I spent most of Black Friday in my sweats perusing the internets with a french press coffee in hand and a pumpkin spice candle keeping me company, but still. We survived. There was mashed potatoes and salads and turkey and sweet potato casseroles and stuffing and more stuffing and leftoversss. I loved seeing what you all were making on Instagram, and you guys? Always feel free to tag me so I can creep on your food cause that’s not even weird kthanks.

    Okay now onto the good stuff!

    Food Blogger Pro Memberships Are $75 OFF!

    Yes yes yes yes and yes. It’s Cyber Monday and this sale is delicious and I just couldn’t not tell you about it. Right now those sign up rates are discounted from the normal price of $250 to the sale price of $175 for a yearly membership.

    Erryone say hi to a few awesome FBP members!

    Food Blogger Pro Sale Testimonial.
    Food Blogger Pro Sale Testimonial.

    Here’s what’s accessible to yearly members:

    More Than 300 Video Tutorials

    Food blogger pro home page.

    Like so:

    Photo editing page.

    An Active Community Forum For Our 700+ Members

    Hi frands! The FBP community might be the nicest group of food bloggers in all the land. No – I take it back – IT IS the nicest group of food bloggers in all the land. ♡ We have people helping each other like whoa.

    Foodgawker "Issues" comments.

    Food Blogger Pro Nutrition Label Generator

    Those super awesome nutrition labels on the Pinch of Yum recipes? Just a quick copy and paste, baby. Just a copy and paste. No screen shots, either – this tool allows you to download the label as its own file that can be easily uploaded to your blog post.

    Tools on food blogger pro.


    I wanted to tell you about this sale early enough so you could possibly take advantage of the TWO FREE premium plugins that come with a yearly membership – because these free plugins will only be offered to the first 100 signups.

    On the Food Blogger Pro homepage, you’ll see a ticker that shows the number of memberships sold so far – since there are 200 discounted memberships available in total, once that ticker number gets below 100, the free plugin bonuses are gone.

    Food blogger pro tools.

    The sale is limited to 200 memberships, and at the moment I’m publishing this post, about a fourth of those have already been purchased, so now’s your time!

    Food Blogger Pro Gobblepalooza

    I might might miiight a little biased, but I just love Food Blogger Pro and the amazing food bloggers that are a part of making this little community so great. I think I speak on behalf of all 700 of us when I say that we are excited that this membership might be a good fit for YOU as a food blogger, or as a gift for the food blogger in your life who is looking for comprehensive learning resources and a solid support system.

    Alright, time for me to get shopping NO I MEAN WORKING.

    If you have any questions about Food Blogger Pro, this sale, or how much fun I had decorating our Christmas tree with childhood ornaments last night, please get in touch or check out this post here.

    Happy Cyber Monday!

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