
    5 Minute Homemade Peanut Butter

    You guys. I DID THIS.

    I made my own peanut butter. At home. On my own, with, like, real peanuts.

    Scoop of homemade peanut butter

    And in five minutes and I’m NOT EVEN JOKING.

    This is The Peanut Butter of peanut butters. It’s peanut butter like you’ve never seen before. Or have you? If you’ve made your own peanut butter, you’re already five hundred light years ahead of me in coolness. But if you haven’t made homemade peanut butter yet, we need to talk.

    How To Make Homemade Peanut Butter

    In this little jar of liquid gold, we have peanut butter with the most perfectly melty, creamy texture, and with a barely sweet, peanutty-intense flavor. Add a little honey, add a little sea salt, or more or less or nothing at all. It doesn’t even matter. Something magical happens when you whip all those peanuts around in the food processor for a few minutes, and that something is creamy, drippy peanut butter that is the definition of perfect simplicity.

    Now if you’ll excuse me while I go back for my 800th spoon-dip this morning.

    Scoop of homemade peanut butter on a spoon

    This homemade peanut butter thing is massively better than anything I could have expected. I’ve heard of it for years and always thought it was secretly hard or something. And/or I’m just lazy.

    But oh my gosh, IT’S SO EASY, you guys. It’s probably the easiest, fastest thing you could ever make. One ingredient, one machine, five minutes.

    Homemade Peanut Butter: Frequently Asked Questions

    My peanut butter didn’t turn out creamy like the pictures. What did I do wrong?

    Each food processor’s strength is just a little bit different and it sounds like it just needs a few extra minutes in the food processor. It’ll get there!

    How should I store my homemade peanut butter?

    Fridge or at room temp works here! It’s best in the fridge though if it’s going to be several weeks before you get through it.

    Do I have to add the honey?

    The honey helps balance out the saltiness of the peanuts, but if you want to keep things sugar-free, just keep the honey out.

    Can I use this same method for other nuts for nut butter? (Almond butter, cashew butter, etc.)

    We haven’t tried, but would say yes. It’s possible you would need to add oil depending on the nut. We’d recommend looking up specific recipes for your preferred nut to be sure!

    Peanuts for peanut butter
    Peanut butter being processed in food processor
    Peanut butter being processed in food processor
    Peanut butter processed in food processor
    Peanut butter being processed in food processor

    How To Use Homemade Peanut Butter

    You mean, if not by the spoonful? Okay, okay, okay.

    There are lots of options right here on Pinch of Yum, but let’s get back to basics. Shall we?

    • Spread it on toast for breakfast or a snack.
    • Drizzle it on your favorite fruit (like bananas).
    • Stir it into your morning oatmeal for a protein boost.
    • Add a dollop to your smoothies.

    I love love love the texture because it can be thick (just pop that bad boy in the fridge for a while) or it can be drizzle-able and soft and runny, which is how I like it.

    There is just nothing better than a melty spoonful of peanut butter to bring in the morning // to satisfy my pre-lunch hungers // to treat myself to before bed. Soooo maybe it’s habit forming? I mean, like, hard to say.

    Homemade peanut butter in a jar surrounded with peanuts

    Peanut Butter Recipes To Fall In Love With

    Peanut butter isn’t just for dessert! Here are some of our favorite recipes that use peanut butter.


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    Peanut butter in a jar with a spoon and peanuts scattered around.

    5 Minute Homemade Peanut Butter

    • Author:
      Pinch of Yum

    • Total Time:
      5 minutes

    • Yield:
      1 1/2 cups peanut butter 1x


    Homemade Peanut Butter! Just peanuts, a bit of honey, a food processor, and five minutes. So creamy and delicious! 



    • 2 cups dry roasted peanuts
    • 12 tablespoons honey or sugar
    • additional salt to taste


    1. Place peanuts in a food processor. Turn the food processor on and let it run for 4-5 minutes. During this time, you’ll see the peanuts go in stages from crumbs to a dry ball to a smooth and creamy “liquid” peanut butter. Stir in the honey and any additional salt, if you want.
    2. Store in the fridge or at room temperature if you think you’ll go through it fast enough.


    • Prep Time: 2 mins
    • Cook Time: 3 mins
    • Category: Side Dish
    • Method: Pulse
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: peanut butter recipe, homemade peanut butter, peanut butter

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    More Food and Recipe How-Tos

    One More Thing!

    This recipe is part of our collection of favorite peanut butter recipes. Check it out!

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