
    The Very Best Peanut Sauce

    Peanut Sauce in a bowl.

    I scream, you scream, we all scream for… easy delicious sauces for summer!

    Let’s get real for a second. When it’s summer and you’re grilling more and going to the farmer’s market sometimes and getting gifted things from neighbors gardens or CSA boxes, sometimes “regular meal prep” doesn’t cut it. Sometimes what you really need is just a good sauce or two to get you through the week – be it for dipping, drizzling, salading, spreading, or dunking with all your freshly grilled, roasted, or chopped up summery stuff.

    Enter: the very best peanut sauce!

    Peanut sauce on tofu with rice and veggies.

    This peanut sauce. Wow oh wow oh wow.

    It * is * the * very * best. Did I already say that?

    This peanut sauce has been around the block a few times here on Pinch of Yum – it started with these zoodles, re-purposed its way into these firecracker lettuce wraps, and resurfaced briefly for a dressing application in that quinoa crunch salad. Over the last few years it has become THE ESSENTIAL PEANUT SAUCE of this blog and/or my life.

    What’s different about it from normal peanut sauce:

    • It’s smooth and drizzle-able.
    • No, but seriously. This is important. It’s NOT thick and gloppy. No peanut sauce glops allowed!
    • It uses fresh garlic and ginger, yes, but most notably, it features a hefty pour of sesame oil! which makes the flavor, well, the very best.

    Everybody goes in:

    Peanut sauce ingredients in a food processor.

    And the very best peanut sauce comes out:

    Peanut sauce blended in a food processor.

    Ways I love to use this sauce:

    • Noodles
    • Rice Bowls
    • Grilled Chicken
    • Sauteed Tofu
    • Salad Dressing
    • Dipping Sauce

    Just try throwing some in a skillet with some chicken or tofu for a little trick. The way it gets browned and crispy and beautiful (like what’s in the pictures here)?

    YES. You are right to think that it’s life-changing.

    Drizzling peanut sauce on rice bowl.

    Check Out Our Video For How To Make Peanut Sauce:


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    Creamy peanut sauce in a bowl with a spoon.

    The Very Best Peanut Sauce

    • Author:

    • Total Time:
      5 mins

    • Yield:
      1 1/2 cups (6 servings – 1/4 cup each) 1x


    The Very Best Peanut Sauce! Smooth, drizzle-able, garlicky, and gingery with a good spicy sesame kick. Perfect for noodles, salads, protein, or as a dipping sauce!



    • 1/2 cup peanut butter
    • 1/3 cup low sodium soy sauce
    • 2 tablespoons sesame oil (toasted or dark)
    • 2 tablespoons rice vinegar
    • 2 tablespoons sambal oelek or chili paste (this is where the “spicy” comes in, so add to taste)
    • 23 tablespoons sugar, honey, or agave
    • a small knob of fresh ginger, peeled
    • a clove of fresh garlic, peeled
    • 1/4 cup of water


    1. Blend all the sauce ingredients together in a small blender or food processor until smooth and creamy.
    2. Find everything in your house that can be dunked in this ridiculously good sauce and then get to work.


    VEGAN: No adaptations needed.

    GLUTEN FREE: Use tamari or coconut aminos in place of soy sauce.

    SUB FOR PB: You can use almond butter! It’s delicious.


    KEEPS IN THE FRIDGE: About 1 week.

    CAN I SKIP THE SUGAR: Sure. I prefer it with sugar but you can skip it.

    • Prep Time: 5 mins
    • Category: Sauce
    • Method: Blend
    • Cuisine: Thai-Inspired

    Keywords: peanut sauce, thai peanut sauce, easy peanut sauce

    Recipe Card powered by Tasty Recipes logo

    Drizzle This Peanut Sauce On:

    Spicy Sesame Zoodles

    Sesame Zoodles wiht Tofu in a bowl.

    Firecracker Vegan Lettuce Wraps

    Vegan Lettuce Wraps on table.

    Quinoa Crunch Salad

    A colorful mix of veggies and quinoa in a bowl with peanut dressing and cashews.

    Crispy Tofu

    Pieces of tofu cooked with peanut sauce.

    One More Thing!

    19 sauces that make everything better.

    This recipe is part of our Sauces That Make Everything Better roundup. Check it out!

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