
    Wild Rice Flatbread

    Today is just another day.

    Just another day when I will get myself out the door to teach subtraction with double zeros and how to read the word “stared”. I bet you even read that wrong.

    You almost read “started”, didn’t you? Along with 95% of the fourth grade population.


    Wild rice flatbread on a colorful piece of fabric.

    Speaking of stories from the front lines, how about when I asked my class this week to name the restaurant that they would most like to eat at for one week?

    Things got off to a rough start when a student answered, “Chicken Nuggets.”

    Final results? Only 1 student chose a restaurant other than McDonald’s, Burger King, or Old Country Buffet. Double sigh.

    Wild rice flatbread in a skillet.

    This, dear students, is WAY better than McDonald’s. And Old Country Buffet.

    BK has some tasty french fries, though.

    My native Minnesotan taste buds love the flavor and texture of wild rice, but it takes so darn long to make. So when I make it, I usually

    1. make a lot so I have extra,
    2. make the shortcut version,
    3. make the super shortcut version.

    Guess what? They all work in this recipe. Yes, even the Uncle Ben’s pouch of microwavable wild rice will work in this recipe. Yes, I know from experience. Go ahead and shame me. But when you’re feeling tempted to save yourself an hour, you’ll understand.

    This wild rice flatbread was inspired by Nora of Natural Noshing. You can top it with hummus, raw or grilled vegetables, hummus, cheese, hummus, or hummus.

    Wild rice flatbread with hummus.


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    A picture of Wild Rice Flatbread

    Wild Rice Flatbread


    This wild rice flatbread is made with less than 5 ingredients: wild rice, egg whites, and flax. It’s super simple, versatile, and healthy.


    • 2 cups cooked wild rice (or “instant” wild rice, wild rice blend, etc)
    • 1/2 cup water
    • 2 egg whites
    • 1 clove of garlic
    • 1 tbs. flaxseed meal
    • seasoning (I recommend a sprinkle of red pepper flakes to spice it up!)
    • 1/2 tbs. olive oil + salt + pepper


    1. Preheat the oven to 425. Grease a heavy skillet* (cast-iron works well) with olive oil. Spread it with a spatula or spoon so that the bottom and sides are well covered.
    2. Place all ingredients in a food processor and process until you have a batter-like consistency (about 30 seconds).
    3. Pour mixture into the preoiled pan. Bake for 15 minutes and remove from oven. Using a spatula, flip the flatbread over and bake for another 15 minutes.**
    4. Check doneness and bake for another 5 minutes if needed. You’ll know when it’s done because it starts to pull away from the sides of the pan. Remove from oven, cool, cut, and serve!


    *If you don’t have one that’s at least 10 inches in diameter, I would bake it in 2 batches.

    **This is the most tricky part. I found it helpful to loosen the flatbread first, then hold the skillet handle in one (oven-mitted) hand, and place a clean towel over my other hand. Then I flipped the skillet over, holding my clean towel hand flat against the flatbread. This seemed to give me more control and kept the flatbread all in one piece!

    • Prep Time: 5 mins
    • Cook Time: 30 mins
    • Category: Side Dish
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: wild rice flatbread, flatbread, wild rice

    Recipe Card powered by Tasty Recipes logo

    The outside texture is slightly crispy and the inside kind of reminds me of a thick, potatoey-ricey bread. And it was blissful when topped with garlicky hummus.

    Now, let’s hear from the adults. What restaurant would you like to eat at for a week?

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