
    When friends come to the Philippines

    Woman wearing a clown costume.

    They dress up as clowns. If they’re cool.

    And my friend Angie is definitely cool.

    Even in the downtown city market, in the hottest and most bizarre situations, she stays cool.

    Two women and a man on the street.

    Angie is my friend from college who is also a teacher. You’re wondering if she’s a Kindergarten and preschool teacher? You’re right. The clown suit doesn’t lie.

    She came to Cebu to visit Bjork and me, to see the orphanage and learn more about the Philippines, and take a vacation. Except it wasn’t really a normal vacation.

    It was this.

    Woman playing with two young girls.

    And this.

    Woman holding a young girl.

    And this.

    (Those are the plastic diaper pants, socks, and little boys underwear that she brought for the kids, and no, I don’t think they realize what they’re proudly holding.)

    Young kids holding clothing.

    Since normally people start to slow down after their 100th game of duck-duck-goose, and since Angie came all the way over to the other side of the world from the frozen tundras of Minnesota, it seemed appropriate to little detour to another island for some beach time.

    People on a boat.

    We stayed at this adorable little place on an incredibly low-key and even smaller island. I’m telling you: the sunrise on the beach was out of this world.

    Person walking on an ocean shore.

    We ate at some really fun places – this one was a bee farm (as in delicious honey) that grew all its own organic produce in a garden right next to the restaurant.


    And this was a really fun one where we didn’t have to get up from our pool chairs to get the food.

    Wow. I think I like that.

    Food on white plates.

    It was a perfect two-day girls only getaway in absolutely beautiful surroundings.

    Ocean shore.

    Hanging out with Angie for a week was probably the longest non-Skype friend from back home interaction we’ve had for a while, so, um, thanks Angie, for helping us remember how to act socially normal. And for spending your Spring Break with us and the kiddos here. And for being a clown. They so totally loved it.

    People eating at a table.

    Unless one of you is planning a secret trip to the Philippines, Angie was our last visitor of the year! We finally bought our tickets and we are headed home in less than two months.

    Time is crazy, isn’t it?

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