
    Triple Chocolate Party Balls

    Triple chocolate party balls on a plate and a placemat.

    Once upon a time, I ate a million Triple Chocolate Party Balls. And Bjork got me an iPhone for Christmas.

    I downloaded my first app: Instagram. And then I fell in love with Instagram. I played for way too long with Instagram. Everything I saw suddenly became an Instagram. I dreamed in Instagram. Psychosis?

    No, I didn’t forget about the party balls. I’m actually eating one right now getting chocolate on my keyboard as I type this message to you. And my message is this: Merry late Christmas from the lens of my Instagram.

    So… how do I transition to something serious and sad? My grandpa passed away a few months ago, so this year we celebrated memories instead of celebrating with him.

    This used to be his chair on Christmas Eve. I’m actually tearing up just imagining him sitting there. I really missed him this year.

    A chair next to the fire place.

    And now, meet Bernie. Also affectionately known as the Love Sponge.

    Puppy sleeping on a chair.

    The highlight of my mall ventures this year was a brown rice sushi roll. I said brown rice. I might as well have said extra-scoop-of-ice-cream-later rice. Don’t mind if I do.

    Brown Rice Sushi on a platter with chopsticks.

    This, I pretty much want this picture to be the wallpaper of my life. Christmas doesn’t have to be over yet.

    Christmas tree and Christmas decor in a house.

    And yes, when I’m not stuffing my face with Triple Chocolate Party Balls I sometimes do fun and cultured things like going to the theater.


    Ok, enough already. I just love Instagram but NOT MORE THAN I LOVE THESE PARTY BALLS.

    Triple chocolate party balls on a white plate.

    So let’s talk about the Party Balls. Essentially, they’re this: chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, and liqueur. You should know that I actually drink liqueur maybe once per year. But as of last week, I eat liqueur 3 times a day in Triple Chocolate Party Ball form. These are MY FAVORITE WHICH IS WHY I’M USING ALL CAPS FOR THE SECOND TIME.

    Just make them, ok? And yes, you can eat them for breakfast. I’ve done it and I’m doing just fine. Juuuust fine.

    Triple chocolate party balls on a plate and one ball in pieces on a placemat.


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    A picture of <span class="fn">Triple Chocolate Party Balls

    Triple Chocolate Party Balls


    These triple chocolate party balls are my all-time favorite party food! They’re truffles made with chocolate, rum, and crushed shortbread.



    • 3 cups crushed shortbread cookies
    • 2 cups powdered sugar
    • 1/4 cup corn syrup
    • 1/2 cup chopped pecans (optional)
    • 3/4 cup chocolate chips or chocolate bar, finely chopped
    • 1/3 cup cocoa powder
    • 1/2 cup liqueur of choice (I used rum)
    • chocolate candy coating (or almond bark) for dipping


    1. Mix dry ingredients. Add wet ingredients. Mix well until a “dough” forms.
    2. Freeze dough for 30 minutes, or until hard enough to form balls. Break off small pieces and roll between your palms until you have lots of small truffle-sized balls. Re-freeze until ready to dip.
    3. Melt chocolate candy coating in a double boiler. Dip each frozen ball in the chocolate. Set to dry on wax paper.


    Liqueur suggestions: Bailey’s, Kahlua, rum, or bourbon.
    I like to eat these frozen or refrigerated, but you can also serve them at room temperature.
    Mix it up by using white or dark chocolate! I used dark chocolate chips – yum!

    • Prep Time: 45 mins
    • Cook Time: 10 mins
    • Category: Dessert
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: chocolate truffles, chocolate dessert bites, kahlua chocolate dessert

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    If you’re a fellow Instagram-er, you can find me @pinchofyum!

    I’m also open to other iPhone app suggestions. Go.

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