
    The Food Blog Money Making Experiment – October – $104.48

    Food Blog Income - October with a cupcake.

    Greetings! Bjork here. I am Lindsay’s husband and the proud sous chef tomato slicer in the Pinch of Yum kitchen.

    Three months ago Lindsay and I decided to experiment with making money from her blog. We thought it would be fun (and maybe helpful to others) to write a monthly post detailing the money we made from the blog and passing along any information we learned along the way. Here’s the update from October.

               The Breakdown:

    • Foodie Blogroll – $39.48
    • Bluehost – $65.00

                Grand Total: $104.48.

    #1:  Foodie Blogroll: $39.48 income has continued to increase month over month, which is great! It’s not anything drastic, but up is better is better than down!  September’s total was $27.68, which means an increase of $11.80.

    It’s been exciting to see Pinch of Yum’s traffic increase over the last few months.  In case you’re curious, here’s a look at where Pinch of Yum visitors came from in October!

    Traffic source chart.
    List of URLs and number of visits.

    If you’re interested in learning about more sites that can drive traffic, be sure to check out this list of other food photo submission sites.  These sites have the potential to drive a lot of traffic to your blog.  Plus, they have tons of delicious looking food.  Win-win!

    #2:  Bluehost: $65

    Bluehost is the company we use to host Pinch of Yum.

           Quick Tip:

    For those unfamiliar with website hosting, here is the basic idea: When you purchase a domain name (like you need a place to “host” that domain. You pay a company a monthly or yearly fee to make sure your website is up and running. It’s possible to have your site hosted for free, but oftentimes you’ll find that you can’t have a unique domain name with free hosting. Sites with free hosting are often setup as a subdomain. Like or This isn’t a bad thing, but many people prefer to have their own unique domain. For those of you that are interested in the process of setting up a blog you can read more about it here.

    Bluehost is a user-friendly hosting company with a great affiliate program. For every referral we send to Bluehost, we get paid $65. You can see a short little video showing how affiliate tracking works in September’s income report post.

    Thoughts on October

    We’re still trying to figure out ways to find products or services that are (1) really good and (2) directed towards the correct market. In the case of Pinch of Yum, the correct market would be people who would consider themselves general food enthusiasts. We love the products and services that we are affiliates for right now, but the reality is that many Pinch of Yum readers aren’t going to be too interested in WordPress Themes or website hosting.  We’ll continue our search for more services and products, and we’ll be sure to keep posting about what’s working and what’s not! (A sneak peek of something we’re testing… Check out the bottom of this post. We’re testing out the use of a relevant banner at the end of each post. We’ll let you know how this goes in next month’s report.)

    What will we be doing with the money?

    Great question.

    Some of you might remember from August’s report that I was contemplating the purchase of some squirrel underwear. Well, seeing as to the fact that monthly income has quadrupled since then, I figured it was time to upgrade:

    Man in a squirrel costume.

    Yes, I did take 10 minutes to Photoshop my face into that picture.

    Seriously though, as fun as a squirrel suit would be, Lindsay and I are honored to send the humble Pinch of Yum blog earnings to an organization that we think the world of. You can read more about it here.

    Thanks for letting me have my monthly cameo on Pinch of Yum.   It’s so cool to me that Lindsay and I get to share a little sliver of our lives with you.  And bonus that we can share pictures of ourselves in squirrel suits.

    P.S. If you’re interested in learning more about some of the ways that you can monetize a food blog, we encourage you to download this free ebook, “16 Ways to Monetize Your Food Blog,” from our sister site, Food Blogger Pro!

    a picture of the 16 Ways to Monetize Your Food Blog ebook from Food Blogger Pro and a note that says, 'free download from our friends at Food Blogger Pro'

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