
    Skillet Chicken with Bacon and White Wine Sauce

    Hello crispy, saucy, delicious skillet chicken with bacon and white wine sauce!

    Skillet Chicken with Bacon and White Wine Sauce.

    You guys, I’ve got to be honest with you. I’ve had some ups and downs with chicken over the last decade – okay okay okay fine, maybe it’s been mostly downs. But the good news today is that things are finally taking a beautifully crispy turn upwards. Cheers and applause! Maybe I do like chicken after all (read: bacon, white wine, shallots)?

    This skillet chicken recipe is my new IT recipe — starting with the fact that it’s made entirely in one pan with small bite-sized pieces of salty bacon and sweet caramelized shallots, and ending with the fact that it’s going to have that golden, crispy chicken skin after the chicken is pan-fried a little bit before taking a nice oven-bath in the white wine pan sauce.

    And will there be warm, crusty bread dipped in the white wine pan sauce in between bites of chicken? Yes.

    That is all, the end, goodnight.

    Skillet Chicken with Bacon and White Wine Sauce.

    Onions in a skillet.

    In addition to feeling this chicken recipe AGAIN for dinner tonight, I’m also feeling the lingering mountain energy holding on to me today. AND I LIKE.

    Bjork and I just returned home late last night from our five day trip to Park City, Utah. Yes that’s right – YOUUUUTAH! We took a baby vacation (er, wait, no. not that kind of baby. I meant like a mini vacation, like a short one, just, like, ugh. Settle down, Mom.) which means we’re visiting Utah for the very first time, and I have to be honest: we’re taking on these mountain ski runs like the haven’t-skiied-in-ten-years skiiers that we are.

    Which means one green after the other.

    I have to say, somewhere between my bangs-and-braces days in Ski Club and my current state of doing little to no physical activity involving more than .01 ounces of adrenaline, I must have forgotten that skiing is actually really fun. For a while there (late 90’s?), I had an identity crisis and I tried to trade in the skiing vibe for the “cool” snowboarder thing. PRAISE AND HALLELUJAH that that phase never went anywhere beyond my wannabe tough 14-year-old self, because now it’s 2015, and skiing is most definitely baaaaaack in the fun, cool person winter sports category where it belongs, and, I mean, just look at me. Snowboarding is not in my blood.

    White Wine Sauce in a skillet.
    Skillet Chicken with Bacon and White Wine Sauce.

    Probably the single worst thing for me about taking a trip is the Dreaded Unpacking. We got back at about midnight last night, I took out the essentials, and then planted my full suitcase on the living room floor where it will probably remain until the next time I invite people over to my house in 800 weeks.

    Even though there might be a suitcase on my living room floor, there will be THIS CHICKEN in my oven tonight and I’m not sad about it.

    If unpacking is my worst trip thing, then my best trip thing is getting back to cooking my own food in my own kitchen after a week of overdoing it on the overwhelmingly delicious and inspiring restaurant food. I’m going to the grocery store this morning and it feels like Christmas.

    This chicken, though! It’s company-worthy but it’s easy enough for a weeknight. It’s beautiful and one-pot simple.

    Have the bread close at hand, pass the salad around, keep the glasses full, and enjoy the yummiest skillet chicken with bacon and white wine sauce.

    Skillet Chicken with Bacon and White Wine Sauce.

    Check Out Our Video For How To Make Skillet Chicken:


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    Skillet Chicken with Bacon and White Wine Sauce in a pan.

    Skillet Chicken with Bacon and White Wine Sauce


    Skillet Chicken with Bacon and White Wine Sauce – this simple crowd-pleasing recipe goes perfectly with warm bread and a green salad!



    • 3 slices bacon
    • 1/2 cup flour (I used white whole wheat)
    • salt and pepper
    • 2 teaspoon herbes de provence
    • 1 1/22 lbs. chicken thighs with skin**
    • 12 tablespoons olive oil
    • 2 shallots, thinly sliced
    • 1/2 cup dry white wine
    • 1 cup chicken stock
    • dried or fresh parsley for topping


    1. BACON: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Heat a large ovenproof Dutch oven or cast iron skillet over medium high heat. Cut the bacon into small pieces and fry for 5-6 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon and set aside, leaving the hot bacon grease in the pan (turn down the heat while prepping the chicken).
    2. CHICKEN: Mix the flour with salt and pepper and the herbes de provence. Dredge each piece of chicken in the flour mixture and transfer to the hot pan. Pan-fry the chicken for a few minutes on each side, until golden brown (but not cooked through). Remove the chicken from the pan and set aside on plate.
    3. SHALLOTS: Add the shallots to the pan with the olive oil. Saute for 5-10 minutes, until softened and fragrant and golden brown. Add the wine slowly, stirring to get all the browned bits from the bottom of the pan. Add the chicken stock and let everything cook until it reduces slightly, about 5-10 minutes.
    4. BAKE: Add the chicken and bacon back to the pan and bake for 40 minutes, stopping ever 10 or 15 minutes to baste the chicken with the pan sauce. Remove from oven when the chicken skin is crispy and the chicken is fully cooked. Skim the oil off the top of the sauce if you want (see notes) and serve with bread to soak it all up.


    **I preferred the chicken thighs in this recipe because of the crispy skin and the flavor and texture of the meat. Bjork preferred the version I made with boneless, skinless chicken breasts. Either can work! The chicken thighs will render more fat, so if you do use chicken thighs, it’s not a bad idea to skim the oil off the top of the pan sauce after baking.

    • Prep Time: 15 mins
    • Cook Time: 1 hour
    • Category: Dinner
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: skillet chicken recipe, chicken recipe, bacon recipe

    Recipe Card powered by Tasty Recipes logo
    Skillet Chicken with Bacon and White Wine Sauce - a simple one-pot crowd-pleasing chicken recipe that goes perfectly with warm bread and a green salad!

    One More Thing!

    This recipe is part of our best date night recipes page. Check it out!

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