
    Six Ingredient Sausage Potato Pie

    Six Ingredient Sausage Potato Pie.

    Dear Sausage, Potatoes, Eggs, and Cheese and that bake into something magical, ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡.

    Friends, meet Six Ingredient Sausage Potato Pie. This beauty is sort of like an egg bake in the most delicious of all the ways, except 1) no bread, 2) no soaking overnight, 3) no cheese. *rolls on ground laughing* oh my gosh, that would be sooo funny.

    But this is also like a pie because when you bake things in circle pans, even without a crust, then you can call them pie and life is more fun. PIE!

    This very savory, very nummy Sausage Potato Pie has been THE SINGLE REASON I’ve been getting out of my warm, fluffy bed to brave our mean, cold, hardwood floors in the morning these last few weeks. And I wish I was kidding, but no. Gruyère cheese has me.

    Sausage Potato Pie.

    The fact that I like to eat this in the morning is actually saying a lot since savory breakfast and I don’t normally get along. This Sausage Potato Pie is my one exception. This and a few other things I can think of off the top of my head. Like that luscious avocado toast with poached eggs and, errr, well, lemme think.

    Yeaaah – I think that about sums up my savory breakfast portfolio.

    See the splashes of green up in that there Sausage Potato Pie? That’s kale. I know, I went there. Two reasons: 1) sometimes I just like to remind myself that there is vibrant plant life somewhere in the world, like, places that are growing green things that are alive and not frozen rock solid and completely buried in snow, and 2) five days of Thanksgiving leftovers. Five. That’s 1-2-3-4-5. So everyone just calm down. You can add the kale if you want it, or you can skip the kale, or you can stop debating it and just go get yourself a slice of that salty, savory heaven right this very second.

    Eggs and egg shells.

    Herbs on a cutting board with a knife.

    The first time I made this was when my friend and former co-worker Jakky (who is often seen here in the comments section as Jammy) came over for a little brunching one Saturday morning.

    As these things usually go in my world, I was rushing around like a fool to “get brunch ready” because Bjork and I had taken our sweet time getting a coffee earlier that morning and then I realized 15 minutes before she came that I a) was not presentable in any sort of public fashion, and b) needed to go to the grocery store because I had, uhhmm, let’s see, NOTHING in the fridge.

    So then “get brunch ready” became “get home from the grocery store before Jakky arrives to your house and finds it locked with no one there.” And it’s convenient that this all makes for a good story, but friends, this is my actual life. The struggle to act like an adult is real. Thankfully Jakky got a tiny bit lost, which is code for her saying, I came to your door and you weren’t there so I drove around and pretended to be lost so you wouldn’t feel bad about being irresponsibly late. My saintly friend Jakky.

    Sausage Potato Pie.

    But that’s the thing. When you know you’re having someone over who is like that – someone who will sit at your counter and shred your cheese and talk with you as you whip together a six ingredient Sausage Potato Pie and not judge your procrastinatory self even if you don’t have the groceries put away just yet – then you can be a little late and it will all be okay. It’s a twisted sort of reasoning that happens up there in my brain.

    Even though this came together on a whim in the eleventh hour of our brunch that day, it could not have been more perfect. I was sort of taken aback by how much I liked it, being that I had just sort of scrapped everything together in an attempt to host a semi-presentable and very casual brunch.

    It was so delicious without needing more than a few minutes of prep. No deep concentration required. And maybe you saw this coming, but it is now a daily brunch staple for us, because Minnesota is cold and we need warm, wintery food, and because the leftovers from this are cash money. Hard to believe, but Bjork is in love with it possibly even a little more than I am.

    And KALE! so we’re basically the healthiest people alive right now. *flexing arm emoji*

    Sausage Potato Pie with a knife.
    Sausage Potato Pie.

    Six ingredients, simple prep, totally adaptable, so so savory, warming, and delicious.

    You and your winter self will love it something fierce.


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    Sausage Potato Pie in a dish with parchment paper.

    Six Ingredient Sausage Potato Pie

    • Author:
      Pinch of Yum

    • Total Time:
      45 minutes

    • Yield:
      68 (nutrition info is for 1 of 8 servings) 1x


    This Six Ingredient Sausage Potato Pie is a simple way to make a hearty, homemade brunch. Savory and easily adaptable to whatever you hand on hand.



    • 12 ounces ground sausage
    • 68 eggs
    • 1/2 cup milk
    • 1 1/2 teaspoons Herbes de Provence
    • salt and pepper to taste
    • 1 pound raw shredded potatoes (shred your own potatoes or just buy refrigerated uncooked hashbrowns)
    • 1 cup shredded cheese (I used Gruyère and highly recommend it)
    • 2 cups shredded kale (you can sub other veggies or just omit it for an equally delicious combo)


    1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line a pie pan with parchment paper.
    2. Brown the sausage until completely cooked and crumbled. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.
    3. Whisk the eggs, milk, herbes de provence, and salt and pepper.
    4. Add the hash browns, 2/3 cup cheese, kale, and sausage from step one. Mix until combined.
    5. Transfer to the pie pan and top with remaining cheese. Cover loosely with foil and bake for 30 minutes or until set (bake longer if you’re using shredded potatoes – hash browns will bake faster). Remove foil, turn heat to 400 or 450, and bake an additional 10 minutes until golden brown on top. Let stand for 10 minutes to allow excess moisture absorb. Cut into slices and serve.


    I used 6 eggs in this particular version but I’ve used as many as 8 before. If you want more of a sturdy, almost fritatta-like texture, go for 8. Otherwise 6 should be enough!

    Be aware that the veggies will weep moisture, so you may have a little extra moisture in the bottom of the pan and that’s normal. If you don’t want that, then I would suggest omitting the kale or any other veggies.

    • Prep Time: 10 mins
    • Cook Time: 35 mins
    • Category: Breakfast
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: sausage potato pie, brunch potato pie, brunch pie

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    PSSST! Don’t forget – the Food Blogger Pro sale is still going on, and as of this post, we still have 11 discounted memberships with free plugin bonuses still available. Eleven! That’s it. We sold almost 60 yesterday so make sure to get on it right away this morning if you still wanted to get in on that deal!

    Food Blogger Pro Gobblepalooza

    Oh and one more thing – do you think I should make this sausage potato pie for breakfast right at this very moment on this very morning? OKAY ME TOO.

    Disclaimer: this post contains affiliate links.

    Six Ingredient Sausage Potato Pie - a simple savory brunch dish that is filling and adaptable to whatever you have on hand!

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