
    Sheet Pan Shrimp and Cauli Rice

    Close up of the shrimp and cauliflower rice in a bowl.
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    This recipe is sponsored by ALDI

    Yum to the yum to the yummy yum yum!

    We’re loading a sheet pan with cauliflower rice and roasting it up with some sun-dried tomato pesto, throwing some juicy shrimp on top and a handful of springy green peas, brushing it with butter, and finishing with salt, pepper, and lots and lots of lemon juice.

    And, optional, but if you want it to be a little richer, more like a risotto, just pour a little cream on the pan at the end and stir it up – that cauliflower rice will cling together just a little bit and ultimately do its job making you happy, so happy, eating a nice big pile of vegetables.

    Simple Sheet Pan Dinners To The Rescue

    As if the food itself isn’t enough (SHRIMP LEMON BUTTER PEAS CAULI RICE WHERE CAN YOU GO WRONG), this recipe is so embarrassingly easy! Am I saying this too much lately? (In case you’re just joining us, we are in the middle of our SOS Series and it is a collection of 15 lifesaving recipes, 7 ingredients or less, and everything is easy, and hi, easy recipes are awesome.)

    I need to tell you – I have been buying shrimp and salmon WEEKLY from ALDI this spring. Literally, not exaggerating, every week. I am a little bit particular about my seafood and I’m not going to lie, I would have never expected ALDI – yes, budget-friendly ALDI – to be my most-frequented place for seafood this spring, but it has been just that. I just add one package of shrimp and one package of salmon to my Instacart order by default each week, and we eat these light, wonderful, springy seafood-based meals, and it has become something of a habit.

    Also purchased from ALDI: everything pictured here. Cauliflower rice, Meyer lemons, peas, olive oil / butter, and that delicious little jar of Rosso pesto sauce.

    Ingredients laid out for the recipe.

    You basically have two steps here.

    Step one: put everything on the pan.

    Ingredients on the sheet pan.

    Step two: eat.

    Cooked shrimp and cauliflower rice with peas on the sheet pan.

    Get a little lemon juice up in there, drizzle with more butter or oil, go after it with the salt, pepper, and any other seasonings you like…

    And here you are. Minimal (I mean, really, MIN-I-MAL) effort for a meal that feels delicious and beautiful enough to serve for company. Even if it’s just you, in sweats, looking for something nutritious and really yummy, without a lot of work, tryna make it through another day, again. I can relate.

    Close up of cauliflower and rice dish in bowl.

    Source notes: I was introduced to a sheet pan cauliflower rice recipe when I made the Sheet Pan Jambalaya from Charlotte’s cookbook (her blog is Clean Foodie Cravings). It’s such a great method! We’re revisiting the method here with a new flavor profile.

    Common Questions About Our Sheet Pan Shrimp and Cauli Rice

    Can I use fresh cauliflower rice?

    You can! Fresh cauli rice works great here.

    How long can I store leftovers?

    Leftovers can be stored in the fridge in a sealed container for 2-3 days.

    I have a seafood allergy. What can I sub for shrimp?

    Chicken – like, for example, Never Any! Fresh Antibiotic Free Chicken Breast Tenderloins from ALDI would be a great sub. Also – several people on our team are superfans of the Never Any! Spinach and Feta Chicken Sausage (extremely flavorful, extremely convenient) which would also be super yummy sliced up and baked on the sheet pan in this recipe.


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    Sheet Pan Shrimp and Cauli Rice-2

    Sheet Pan Shrimp and Cauli Rice

    • Author:

    • Total Time:
      30 minutes

    • Yield:
      4 servings 1x


    This Sheet Pan Shrimp and Cauli Rice is the easiest sheet pan dinner! Shrimp, peas, cauliflower rice, seasonings, and Rosso pesto sauce all come together on one pan for a delicious springy meal. 




    • 1 bag Season’s Choice Garlic Herb Riced Cauliflower (use 2 bags for a higher cauli-to-shrimp ratio)
    • 2 tablespoons Prianno Rosso Pesto Sauce or similar sauce
    • 1 lb. Fremont Fish Market Jumbo EZ Peel Raw Shrimp, tail off
    • 1 cup Simply Nature Organic Frozen Sweet Peas
    • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
    • 2 tablespoons butter
    • up to 1/4 cup heavy cream (optional)
    • salt and pepper to taste
    • fresh lemon juice to taste


    1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Mix cauliflower rice and pesto sauce directly on the sheet pan. Bake for 15-20 minutes.
    2. Arrange shrimp and peas on top of cauliflower rice. Sprinkle shrimp with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and brush with butter. Bake for another 5-7 minutes.
    3. Add cream and stir to combine, directly on the pan. (This makes it a bit more creamy, almost like a risotto.) Season with salt, pepper, and fresh lemon juice. Voila. Effortless.

    • Prep Time: 5 minutes
    • Cook Time: 25 minutes
    • Category: Dinner
    • Method: Roast
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: cauliflower rice, sheet pan dinner, shrimp recipe

    Recipe Card powered by Tasty Recipes logo

    Thanks to ALDI for sponsoring this post.

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