
    Sage in October

    Sage on Vacation for Blog-11

    Okay, I really do have recipes going on in my life.

    And they will make it to the blog, super soonish. Pinky promise.

    But if we can just be honest with ourselves, is anyone in the world really lacking for recipe ideas right now? errr, uhmm, file under things a food blogger should never ever say.

    Just a guess – you, lovely reader, have 800-some recipes bookmarked online somewhere (hi Pinterest) and a handful of cookbooks that you’ve been meaning to cook through but yet somehow the recipes-to-make list just keeps growing and you never actually get around to making most of them. They are all amazingly good ideas, but TIME, where are you?

    Enter today’s fur baby mind candy post. It’s a Monday morning and we’re doing this.

    Sage on Vacation for Blog-10

    Last week we spent a few days working from a little cabin-type place on the North Shore of Lake Superior – Tofte, Minnesota, to be exact for all my peeps who are familiar with the Midwestern cultural practice of going UP NORTH.

    While we were there, I decided to give myself a little cooking retreat where I would make recipes just because. We’re talking the kind of thing where you just look through a cookbook, pick out some recipes, make them, and eat them. Revolutionary, right? No new recipe concept development, no photos, no scramble. Just good food, and just because. ♡ And everyone (ME) breathed a collective sigh of sweet, delicious relief.

    I made lots-o different recipes – mostly slow, old fashioned, totally from scratch comfort food, which was so perfect for creating those yummy fall feelings. Like for example. Texas chili con carne with cornbread. Spicy kale and almond pesto that ended up on crackers, eggs, a tricolor carrot salad, and multiple varieties of homemade pizza. Vermont chicken pot pie (why Vermont? I don’t know and better yet I don’t NEED to know – someone else named that recipe and I don’t need to think about it 🙌) that took a total of TWO DAYS to make because I made the chicken, stock, gravy, and biscuits from scratch.

    You can bet your buns that I have a list of new ideas that are a mile long after taking just a few days to get back to the basics of cooking love. But also: I made delicious recipes that will probably never find their way to the blog because SOMETIMES IT’S GOOD TO DO THAT.

    Which brings me to Sage.

    Sage is just rocking the October vibes, you guys.

    Sage on Vacation for Blog-13

    I know it’s technically not the end of October yet, but let’s be real: she doesn’t have much more going on for the rest of the month besides sleeping on the couch, so I thought today was as good a day as any for a monthly recap.

    Our trip up north was her first Sage-cation and she did brilliantly with the change of location, change of pace (HIKES! wow Sage), and change of scenery. I think she’s a granola dog at heart.

    We even caught some rare paparazzi-like shots of her (wait for it) BEING ACTIVE.

    Or more accurately, “Being Active.”

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    Yep. There she is, our little mathlete.

    Okay, but seriously, Sage’s October highlights (with an emphasis on our little vacation) included sitting on laps, sniffing the trails, and eating mass amounts of treats during our training session to try to teach her how to play fetch.

    The fur hooded vest sweater situation was not exactly her highlight, but it was definitely mine.

    From the moment that we packed her up in the car and she snuggled right into her little backseat spot to the moment we walked back into the house and she belted out a long, happy howl… it was all just meant to be. Sage + October for lyfe.

    Happy Monday, all you dog lovers of the internet!

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    In other news, I’m looking at studios today. WHAT WHAT WHAAAAAT.

    That is for real happening in my actual life and I’m so excited about it slash dorky that I literally couldn’t sleep last night. You should come along for the tour today! I’ll be snappin. Just search and follow pinchofyum on Snapchat – if you see something you like, send me a snap! Snap message? Snap-text. Right? I’m old. I love hearing from you guyz on all these internet places.

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