
    Roasted Potatoes with Maple Fig Sauce

    Maple fig sauce with simple roasted potatoes.

    There are some things about having a “different” name that are enjoyable.

    But there are things about having a “different” name that make life… interesting.

    I am not speaking from personal experience here because the name Lindsay is fairly common. I sympathize with my students who are be called by their first name and last initial to avoid confusion with others of the same name. That last initial had better be a good one, because it becomes part of your identity.

    My husband, Bjork, on the other hand, has never needed to use his last initial to differentiate himself. And although he has the best name ever, he is generally referred to by some variation of his name.

    1. Bjorn
    2. Brock
    3. Be Jork
    4. Borg
    5. Bork

    Most recently, he received a work-related email sent to a D. Ostrom. And there’s only one place this could be headed.

    Maple fig sauce with maple syrup and fig preserves and served with simple roasted potatoes.

    Ladies, and gentlemen, to take the cake on the best/worst name variation ever used for my poor husband, the first line of the email read:

    “Dear Dork,”

    If that doesn’t call for a warm, crispy, golden and delicious dinner, I don’t know what does. So we quickly remedied the situation with oven roasted red potatoes, seasoned with only the best, Sel de Cuisine, complemented by a maple fig sauce that is so easy it’s embarrassing.

    Maple fig sauce is made with maple syrup and fig preserves and served with simple roasted potatoes.


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    Roasted Potatoes with Maple Fig Sauce

    Roasted Potatoes with Maple Fig Sauce


    This simple maple fig sauce is made with maple syrup and fig preserves and served with simple roasted potatoes. A unique and delicious meal!



    Roasted Potatoes

    • 1 lb. red potatoes, washed and quartered
    • olive oil
    • Sel de Cuisine seasoning (or any seasoning that you like)

    Maple Fig Sauce

    • 3 tbs. mayonnaise (I used the kind made with olive oil)
    • 1/3 cup sour cream
    • 2 tbs. maple syrup
    • 2 tbs. brown sugar
    • 2 tbs. fig preserves (my new favorite!)


    Roasted Potatoes

    1. Preheat the oven to 425. In a large bowl, drizzle potatoes with olive oil. Sprinkle seasoning to taste. Place on a greased baking sheet or roasting pan and bake for about 15-20 minutes.
    2. Check doneness of potatoes, adjust heat and seasoning as needed. Roast another 10-15 minutes if necessary.

    Maple Fig Sauce

    1. Mix all ingredients and stir until well combined (it might help to use a whisk).
    2. Refrigerate until ready to use!
    • Prep Time: 10 mins
    • Cook Time: 30 mins
    • Category: Side Dish
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: roasted potatoes, maple fig sauce, potato recipe

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    This post will be filed in Things to consider when naming your child. And Meals to make when you are addressed as Dork.

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