
    Farmer’s Market Pasta

    Trust me. You don’t even want to know how many titles I came up with for these little pots of joy. Instead of sharing all […]

    Garlic Edamame

    Ahh, this. Now this is a crave-able vegetable. We had a mini sushi party with my sushi-expert cousin. He told me to make garlic edamame, […]

    Classic Bean Burgers

    Would you make bean burgers 10 (ten) times to get the recipe just right? Me, either. But they would! Meet Alex and Sonja of A […]

    Peanut Butter Pretzel Cookies

    It rained, and I got desperate. So desperate that I’ll have you know I drove to the gas station across the street for some last-minute […]

    Mango Black Bean Tacos

    Aloha. I want to go to Hawaii and sell these black bean tacos from a food truck. Rain and cold can do that to me. […]