
    Baked Gingerbread Mini Donuts

    Hellooo gingerbread mini donuts. Hellooo gingerbread scents. Hellooo Justin Beiber Christmas album.  What?

    Cheesy Baked Eggplant Pizza

    Why is Monday so sneaky?  Even with an extra hour of sleep on Sunday, I still feel cheated. Goodbye sweatpants, hot chocolate, and book that […]

    Pumpkin Bars with Old-Fashioned Caramel Frosting

    Once upon a time, I made a caramel frosting using a recipe from 1980. This is a true story, by the way. I only tell […]

    Baked Apple Pancake with Apple Cider Syrup

    This.Is.Awesome.  And I can’t wait to tell you about the cinnamon sugary apple goodness wrapped in a nice, crepe-like pancake texture and drizzled with the best […]

    Japanese Halloween

    Juicy Pork. Crispy Panko. Stunning pottery. Warm miso soup. And the featured dish: Tonkatsu. Can your in-laws cook like this? Now if only it could […]