

    This weekend my friend Megan shared this photo with the hashtag #prayfornewtown. It was the first I had heard. With this tragedy still fresh on […]

    November Income Report – $4,782.70

    Hi Friends! It’s me, Bjork. I’m checking in for our monthly income report. So why do we put these posts out every month? Well, our […]

    Gingerbread French Toast

    Time for Christmas listing. This year, that means ordering a few smallish, lightish things on Amazon and having them shipped to family and friends, also […]

    Crockpot Chalupas

    Well, you could certainly do one thing right now, and that would be shove your face in these crockpot chalupas. The second thing would be […]

    Mini Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies

    Sprinkles. Everywhere. Stuck in the cracks of our placements, bleeding red and green dye under our fingernails, and sticking to my bare feet. It’s the […]