
    Honey Nut Steel Cut Oats

    My first goal with this post is to convince you to get a rice cooker. Yes. Stay with me here. Because my second goal is […]

    When friends come to the Philippines

    They dress up as clowns. If they’re cool. And my friend Angie is definitely cool. Even in the downtown city market, in the hottest and […]

    Sauteed Garlic and Tomato Lentil Salad

    Hey. Lentils. I love them. I think we’ve talked about that. But I really do love them because they’re a really pretty brown color (ahem, […]

    My Favorite People to Follow on Instagram

    Confession: I like to look at photos of people’s cute dogs, pretty food, and kids. I get excited about iPhone art. I’ve been known to […]


    I’m kind of embarrassed that I titled this post “cute” because cute is a very shallow way to describe these little ones, and all that […]