
    Europe or Bust

    The number of firsts happening here is all a little mind-bendy. This is my… first: time writing a post while connected to the internet from […]

    Holiday Gift Guide for the Modern Girl

    WHOA! The week of Thanksgiving? The week of CRAY HOLIDAY SHOPPING?! Wowz. This season has gone especially fast for me, maybe because of that whole […]

    Pumpkin Bundt Cake and Baby Shower

    Pumpkin Bundt Cake. With a cinnamon streusel layer. ARE YOU EVEN READY. This recipe is sponsored by Wholesome! I actually love this cake more than […]

    Girls’ Trip to La Jolla … and thoughts on the election between friends

    “To love ourselves and support each other in the process of becoming real is perhaps the greatest single act of daring greatly.” Brené Brown The […]

    Awesomely Easy Swiss Fondue

    This is sponsored content from Sargento Foods.The opinions stated are my own. Confessions of a date night fondue junkie. A few years ago, Bjork offered to […]