
    NEW Tasty Food Photography + Giveaway

    Tasty Food Photography cover of photos.
    Exciting day! As of this very minute, the newly updated version of my ebook, Tasty Food Photography, is ready for the world!

    As a little bit of background on the ebook, I first published Tasty Food Photography in 2012 as a way to share practical tips and tricks for taking better food photos. The ebook was geared towards food bloggers who wanted to improve their food photos as a means to increase reader engagement and bring some new energy into their blog. You can read more of the full story on how food photography has impacted the growth of Pinch of Yum on this page.

    Then to Now photos.

    I Really Believe That Photography Is An Incredible Tool That Can Have a Profound Impact On The Life Of a Blog Or Website.

    …which is why today I am sososo excited to present you with the new and improved version of Tasty Food Photography. The book is loaded to the brim with the latest tips and tricks that I’ve used to improve my own food photography over the last three+ years.

    Table of Contents framed.

    In a nutshell for you blog post skimmers like myself, the two biggest changes in the new version of Tasty Food Photography are:

    • updated design, with an emphasis on example photos

    • more content, with an emphasis on the topic of lighting

    In addition to getting a subtle ebook facelift and having at least three pictures included on almost every page, the new version of Tasty Food Photography now has more than 60 total pages – that’s about 15 more than the original version.

    And before you bang your head on the table for dread of reading a 60 page food photography book (blehh), please hear me: what I’ve really tried to do with Tasty Food Photography is keep it manageable and engaging for readers. I didn’t want to add 15 pages to the book to weigh it down with lots of words that would make you want to hide in the refrigerator and eat cookie dough balls. Although I do love cookie dough balls. I wanted to truly add 15 pages of solid, relevant, and practical content in a format that was almost readable at a glance.

    Ultimately I want you to be able to look, learn, and apply small changes to your photography in the most streamlined way possible, and I did my best to make that possible with the updates that I made to the ebook.

    So what are these extra 15 pages all about? Well, a lot of things, but mostly lighting. Because I think lighting is really important and I am constantly learning new things about working with light in food photography. Here’s a peek at a few of the new pages on different tips and tricks for lighting.

    New Lighting Pages.

    And besides lighting, there are a few other new pages as well.

    New Other Pages.

    These are the specific pages that you’ll see added to the new Tasty Food Photography:

    • iPhone editing apps for food photos (1 new page)
    • setting up a reflector (2 new pages)
    • lighting set ups (5 new pages)
    • softening the light (3 new pages)
    • creating emotions and telling stories (3 new pages)
    • things I wish I would have known (1 new page)

    Along with the 15 new pages, all the pages that were in the older version of the book will still be there, too.

    Regular book pages.

    Which reminds me of something really important:

    If You Have Already Purchased Tasty Food Photography, Send Me An Email At Lindsay @ Pinchofyum [Dot] Com For Your Free Copy Of The Updated Version.

    Please include your first and last name – the one you used to order the original ebook, not your other five names. I’ll read your email, double check for your invoice on eJunkie, and then issue you a free download with a big ol’ smile on my face.

    Tasty Food Photography.

    The Giveaway This Giveaway Is Now Closed.

    In addition to releasing the book today, I am also giving away a copy of the book along with a food blog prop kit that will be shipped to the winner! Yep, I just said FOOD BLOG PROP KIT. I’m so weirdly excited about this, even though I don’t get to keep it. The prop kit is full of unique, fun, photo worthy props that I’ve picked out from all my favorite prop hot-spots.

    What’s included? Okay, I’ll try to keep it brief, but so far there’s a few cute antique bowls that happen to be that perfect trendy shade of blue, an adorable vintage floral plate, a few cozy casseroles, a tin jar, and some fun silverware including the coolest looking tarnished spoons, tiny wooden spoons, and ice cream sundae spoons. There’s a few basic whites, like small and medium plates and two little baby ramekins, and a nice round cutting board with light wood. Plus those red baskets (basically I’m giving you an excuse to make French fries, okay?), some basic white, colored, and textured cloths, and some fun colored glasses and mason jars.

    And because prop shopping for others is quickly becoming my new favorite hobby, I’m not making any promises that I won’t add anything else to the bunch in the next seven days. Weee!

    Dishes on a table.

    Add to Cart button.

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