
    Mini Chicken Meatballs with Crispy Potatoes and Romesco

    Mini Chicken Meatballs?! You mean they’re tiny and bite-sized and perfectly loaded with Parmesan cheese?! Yes, friends. That’s exactly what I mean.

    Meatballs in a bowl with a spoon.

    A few days ago I posted a recipe for that super quick 5 Minute Romesco Sauce. You were happy, I was happy, our blenders were happy – in general we all liked what was going on with that sauce .

    But then I went and made lots of things with the sauce, one of those things being Mini Chicken Meatballs, and I was convicted – what kind of food blog friend would I be if I didn’t also show you the most delicious way that this sauce has manifested itself into a full blown dinner recipe? Not a good one. This is Deliciousness Level: Shout From The Rooftops and so that’s exactly what I’m going to do except my rooftop is more like a little corner of the internet and my shouting is more like nerdy-fast fingers flying across a keyboard. BUT WE’RE DOING THIS.

    Mini Chicken Meatballs (plus crispy potatoes plus two kinds of sauce not even sorry), here we come.

    Meatballs in a bowl with a spoon.

    I’m not going to lie to you – we made these a few times and I started to get a little sick of them after a while. It was mainly for two reasons – 1) they were in my life for like 8 meals in a row, and 2) they were too big.

    Enter: Mini Concept.

    I wanted them to keep their round shape better than the large ones, and I also wanted them to have a higher surface area to inside ration (these are the crazy things I think about when it comes to food). So we made them into these little mini two-bite meatballs and BOOM. Just like that, all was right in the chicken meatball world.

    They get perfectly golden brown (with a good balance per bite of outside to inside textures) and they can be eaten in just two bites with a fork – no need to cut anything in half just to get a good amount of sauce coverage.

    Speaking of sauce coverage.

    Crispy Potatoes and Mini Chicken Meatballs in a bowl.
    Romesco Sauce in a jar with a spoon.

    I’ll just tell you what I did and you can work with it however you want:

    I pan-fried the mini chicken meatballs and the potatoes. I topped it all with Romesco Sauce which I had simmered for a while with some water to make it the right consistency. I added some leftover chimichurri from our arepa party the night before. Topped with parm and parsley? Doneso.

    Other ideas for these Mini Chicken Meatballs:

    • Cook it all in the crockpot. Meatballs won’t get as pretty, but it will work. We tried it.
    • Bake it. Also tried this. Again, the Mini Chicken Meatballs will be more of a pale-ish color situation vs. that nice golden brown, but think of the Instagram surfing you could get in with all that saved time.
    • Freeze it. Either freeze the fully cooked meatballs or freeze them raw so they can be popped into the oven or the crockpot at a hangry moment’s notice.
    • Use a different sauce. I adored this Romesco sauce with it (especially when turbo boosted with a few spoonfuls of chimichurri) but you could quite easily use another sauce with excellent results. The meatballs shall forgive. If you’ve got a good jar of something or another favorite homemade sauce recipe, feel free to use and DEFINITELY leave me a comment to tell me about it.

    So there it is – kind of an unusual one for Pinch of Yum maybe -> a big bowl of beautiful golden browned Mini Chicken Meatballs + Crispy Potatoes all loaded with Romesco Sauce and Chimichurri.

    Meatballs and potatoes in a bowl with a napkin and a spoon.



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    Mini Chicken Meatballs with roasted potatoes and romesco sauce in a bowl.

    Mini Chicken Meatballs with Crispy Potatoes and Romesco


    Mini Chicken Meatballs – super easy recipe made with chicken, breadcrumbs, Parm, garlic, eggs, salt. Served with crispy potatoes and a 5-minute Romesco sauce!



    Mini Chicken Meatballs:

    • 2 lbs. ground chicken
    • 2 eggs
    • 1 cup Parmesan cheese (grated very finely)
    • 1 cup breadcrumbs
    • 4 cloves minced garlic
    • pinch of dried oregano
    • 1/4 cup olive oil
    • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt

    Other Stuff:

    • 1 1/2 lb. baby golden yukon potatoes, cut into small bite sized pieces
    • additional olive oil for pan-frying
    • Romesco sauce
    • Chimichurri sauce if you wanna get REALLY punchy
    • salt to taste


    1. MEATBALLS: Combine all the meatball ingredients in a large bowl until well-mixed. Roll into small 2-bite balls and place on a large baking sheet. Add more breadcrumbs if necessary to get the mixture to hold its shape when rolled. Heat a little bit of olive oil in a large non-stick or heavy bottomed skillet over medium heat. Add the meatballs in batches and turn every few minutes until the exterior is golden brown and the inside is fully cooked.
    2. POTATOES: In the same pan that you fried the meatballs, pan-fry the potatoes for about 10 minutes with a little more olive oil and salt. They should be golden brown and crispy when finished.
    3. Serve the meatballs with the potatoes and any and all sauces you love. Namely, ROMESCO SAUCE. You can do the sauce hot or cold, and you can compliment it with a bright and herby finish like chimichurri or just a little extra lemon juice, salt, pepper, and Parmesan. If you do the sauce hot, I recommend simmering it first with a little bit of additional liquid to help it loosen up.

    • Prep Time: 10 mins
    • Cook Time: 20 mins
    • Category: Dinner
    • Cuisine: Spanish-Inspired

    Keywords: chicken meatballs, potatoes, romesco sauce, crispy potatoes

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    One More Thing!

    This recipe is part of our collection of savory meatball recipes. Check it out!

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