
    Lemon Herb Pasta Salad with Marinated Chickpeas

    Pasta salad with herbs and cheese.

    This recipe is sponsored by DeLallo

    Consider this your weekly (daily?) reminder that really delicious food does not need to be complicated.

    The basics – garlic, lemon, herbs, olive oil – are prepared to deliver. They are usually somewhere in the pantry or fridge, and they are always going to serve us well.

    I give you Exhibit A: The Lemon Herb Pasta Salad with Marinated Chickpeas which involves deliciously squishy pasta coated in a silky “sauce” of olive oil and lemon juice, tossed with chickpeas that have been soaking in a flavor bath of fresh garlic and herbs and such, and finished with more herbs and lots of salt and pepper and some Parmesan cheese. Is it good warm? Is it good cold? Is it good as a side or a main or a… snack? The answer to all of the above is Y-E-S.

    This is all you need:

    • Chewy, tender, appropriately noodley pasta
    • Hearty little chickpeas
    • Olive oil
    • Lemon juice
    • Basil and parsley
    • Salt and pepper
    • Parmesan cheese

    Thank you for understanding the amount of effort I’m prepared to give right now (minimal) and the delicious results I am expecting in return (major).

    This served me so right on both levels.

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    Bow tie pasta with greens, chickpeas and lemon.

    “Marinated chickpeas” is how you make it FEEL fancy, but all it really is is giving a shot of big garlic / lemon / herb flavor into the whole thing with very little effort.

    First, grab your pantry ingredients. DeLallo all the way.

    We’re working with fewer ingredients here, so QUALITY MATTERS! Phenomenally textured authentic Italian pasta, good solid olive oil that actually, um, tastes like olive oil, and a can of never-fails-you chickpeas, and you’re basically halfway there.

    Ingredients for Lemon Herb Pasta Salad with Marinated Chickpeas.

    The pasta gets cooked.

    The chickpeas get… marinated. Overnight would be ideal, but lol. If you are short on time, I promise your mouth will still be happy with the work that’s been done. Just let the chickpeas hang out with all their flavors while you prep the rest. If you are bold, give them a little mashing with a fork so they soak up some extra flavor.

    A bowl with pasta, chickpeas, herbs and cheese.

    Toss with herbs and cheese and salt and pepper and lemon zest and the other good things you like….


    Lemon Herb Pasta Salad with Marinated Chickpeas in a bowl.

    Or second lunch. Or bedtime snack.

    Lemon Herb Pasta Salad with Marinated Chickpeas – it is there for you this week. THERE. FOR. YOU.


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    Pasta tossed with greens and cheese with lemon wedges.

    Lemon Herb Pasta Salad with Marinated Chickpeas

    • Author: Lindsay
    • Total Time: 45 minutes
    • Yield: 4 servings 1x


    A super fresh, super summery Lemon Herb Pasta Salad! Packed with tangy marinated chickpeas, chewy pasta, lots of herbs and garlic, lemon juice and olive oil, and a handful of parmesan to top it off.



    Marinated Chickpeas

    • 1 14 ounce can chickpeas, drained and rinsed (DeLallo)
    • 1/4 cup olive oil
    • 1 clove garlic, grated or crushed into a paste
    • a generous squeeze of lemon juice
    • 1 teaspoon salt


    • 8 ounces farfalle pasta (DeLallo)
    • 1/4 cup olive oil (as needed) (DeLallo)
    • juice and zest of one lemon
    • 1/2 cup finely chopped parsley and basil
    • salt and pepper to taste
    • 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese


    1. Prepare marinated chickpeas by combining everything together in a shallow bowl. For the best flavor, allow this to marinate for 8 hours or overnight. But hey, if you don’t have the time, just let it all hang out while you prep the rest of the pasta. It’s all good.
    2. Cook pasta according to package directions. Drain. While pasta is hot, toss with marinated chickpeas and allow to cool slightly.
    3. Add more olive oil (as needed). Add lemon juice and zest and herbs. Season with salt and pepper. Add in Parmesan cheese last so it doesn’t completely melt. Serve warm, cold, or room temp with extra lemon, Parmesan, and herbs as needed!


    • Prep Time: 30 minutes
    • Cook Time: 15 minutes
    • Category: Lunch
    • Method: Toss
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: pasta salad, lemon herb, chickpeas, marinated chickpeas, DeLallo, summer salad, herb salad

    Recipe Card powered by Tasty Recipes logo

    Thank you to DeLallo for sponsoring this post!

    One More Thing!

    This recipe is part of our collection of healthy chickpea recipes. Check it out!

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