
    {Lazy} Chocolate Cherry Fudge Cake

    Chocolate cherry fudge cake topped with homemade fudge frosting in two white dishes.

    A chocolate cherry fudge cake bombed my house today.

    That’s why I’m covered in the world’s most luscious chocolate frosting. I swear it’s not because I stuck my whole body in the pan. I swear.

    This cake bomb happened to sandwich itself right between my main man’s birthday (heyo, that’s today!) and V-V-Valentine’s day, which, pssst, is tomorrow.

    That’s two days in a row of celebrating my favorite guy, the one who knows everything, fixes everything, and eats everything.

    Man eating ice cream.

    You can see why I love this man.

    One thing you should know. Conferences are still.going.

    It’s honestly really awesome to meet with my students’ families. And I honestly really need 12 White Chocolate Mochas to keep my eyelids halfway open once the clock strikes 7pm.

    I love “coffee”.

    But the beauty of conferences is that they give me an excuse to be lazy. As if I really needed an excuse.

    And I mean that in the best way possible because this cake is dee-liciously lazy.

    Chocolate cherry fudge cake topped with homemade fudge frosting in a white dish.

    If I was going to snuggle up inside of a cake, it would be this one.

    Mostly because I want that frosting to be all over my life, forever and ever, amen.

    Chocolate cherry fudge cake topped with homemade fudge frosting in two white dishes with spoons.


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    {Lazy} Chocolate Cherry Fudge Cake


    This chocolate cherry fudge cake is SUPER easy to make and has the most amazing homemade fudge frosting. Mmmmmmm so good!




    • 1 chocolate fudge cake mix
    • 1 can cherry pie filling
    • 3 eggs, beaten
    • 1 teaspoon almond or vanilla extract
    • 1 cup sugar
    • 1/3 cup milk
    • 5 tablespoons butter
    • 1 cup chocolate chips


    1. Mix first four ingredients and pour into a greased cake pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool.
    2. Bring sugar, butter, and milk to a boil in a saucepan. Boil for 1 minute. Stir in chocolate chips and continue stirring until melted. Frost cake immediately.


    Two variations:

    Make this in individual sized ramekins. Adjust baking time to about 15 minutes, or until top springs back when touched.

    Cut cake or mini-cakes in half, make a little extra frosting (1.5x), and add a layer of frosting in between the layers of cake. I did this with my ramekin cakes and the large cake – it was actually really easy to do.

    • Prep Time: 5 mins
    • Cook Time: 30 mins
    • Category: Dessert
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: chocolate cherry fudge cake, fudge cake, chocolate cake recipe

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    Hi. Remember me? I’m a lazy chocolate cherry fudge cake that can be whipped up in 3 seconds between now and Valentine’s Day.


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