
    Just Showing Off Your Awesomeness

    8 photos of a woman holding various food dishes

    What a cool, generous group of peeps you are.

    For you to make food or buy food or send food or deliver food to people who could use a little extra love in their lives right now? Just because of this series? As a way to show support for us, our son Afton, and the people in your lives? It is all way too cool and I love that this is my job. I get to talk about food and love and life and it’s just awesome.

    Awesome, even when it’s not actually awesome. Even when it’s more like nasty, painful, dark as night, can’t breathe, awful. Coming back to this space after going through such an incredibly traumatic and transformative experience was, to be honest, completely horrifying. Like, how do you do it? How do you act? Should you be normal? And what’s normal like again? What were some of those dummy food things that you always used to say before – and how soon is too soon to bust those out again? What will people think if you mostly just talk about sad stuff? or if the only food that sounds good to you is plain white bread with butter, and maybe, MAYBE some basic creamy potato soup?

    The sacred presence of Afton in my life has shown me – or maybe just reminded me – that there is always room for honesty at the table. Both in real life and online. We made room for honesty with this series, mostly because we didn’t know what else to do. There was maybe a shred of honorable-ness in it, but it was mostly selfish: I needed Afton’s story to stay close. I needed work to mean something to me. And then in that honesty, we watched you all love and care for us, watched you literally pour out your hearts for our son after who was barely with us for one day and never even opened his eyes. A tiny guy weighing one pound three ounces that exactly zero of you had ever met. And you did that through serving YOUR people and participating in a food series, of all things. Friends. You are not basic. You’re the ultimate love warriors.

    This series has helped me land on something that I think I felt all along but never knew how to articulate: that beyond the business side of this blog-as-my-job gig, it’s the stories, the community, and the soul here that are the always-on light of this corner of the internet.

    Your words are not just comments. They mean something to us.

    Your acts of generosity are not just distant concepts. They are real and they inspire us.

    This Feeding a Broken Heart series has been you and me, joy and healing, memory and honor, love and grief – and it has all felt really, really good.

    One thing that this experience did not do is make me have less words. 😂  I’ll be done now. So I’m showing off. This post is dedicated to your inspiring stories, so go watch yourself be awesome. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

    The words YOUR STORIES in large gray capital letters with a gray line extending horizontally from each word.

    My husband and I were both busy feeding broken hearts tonight, as inspired by a challenge from @pinchofyum. My husband took spaghetti to a dinner at the Hope Lodge (a place where cancer patients and their families can stay for free while they receive treatment) but he said his time visiting was much more appreciated than the food. I took this meal to a friend of mine who just brought home her rainbow baby after a scary pregnancy. It might not seem like she’s broken-hearted in this miraculous time of rejoicing, but she lost a son at 5 months of pregnancy before, and I know from experience that she will always be a little bit broken-hearted, especially as she raises her new baby and realizes all that she missed out on with her son. It was so good to chat with her and love on her 6 lb bundle of joy. ❤ The beautiful thing about taking food to people is that it opens the door and paves the way to a visit, and that interaction is what really soothes a broken heart. In the deepest grief, sometimes all we want is the food and no conversation. But soon, very soon, we want to pour out our thoughts and feelings and we ache for a listening, caring ear. The recipe for feeding a broken heart involves giving of our soul–not just our soup– as we take time to listen and mourn with those who mourn. Its amazing how I leave feeling whole, even though THEIR healing was on my mind. If you’re broken-hearted, take part in this challenge and go feed a broken heart. 💔 #feedingabrokenheart #pinchofyum

    A post shared by Faith Ralphs (@foodwithfaith) on


    I’m posting this again in support of Lindsay and Bjork and their Feeding a Broken Heart #feedingabrokenheart campaign! They are the authors of Pinch of Yum blog and very likely the first food blog I followed, where I learn with and from! They are healing after a tragic loss through food and memories…and a lot of friendship and love around them! I baked this cake for my mum on her first birthday without her …for her love of cakes and flowers! My sister and I had almost the entire cake … I believe we both fed our broken hearts that night…. for the days, months and years to come I will keep feeding the Open Hearts that surround our large dinner table! That’s the magic thing about food…..❤️! #feedingabrokenheart #foodislove @pinchofyum How many broken hearts did you feed? Helped to heal? How many open hearts surround your kitchen table? #susanarandomss

    A post shared by Susana Vitorino (@susvitorino) on


    Getting serious here- This post is a tribute an amazing woman – that I don’t even know. I’ve followed Lindsay of @pinchofyum for a long time now as her recipes are just as incredible as her feed (if you cook, you probably follow her as well). While following along I followed her on a journey that started with such excitement but then turned into one of the most horrific things that could probably happen to someone- her son coming into this world way to soon and exiting the world way to soon. Lindsay, so raw yet respectful and composed shared these deep personal moments through posts, IG stories and her blog. This part of social media is a part I’m still so unsure of and yet mesmerized by… as I followed along, I felt somewhat like a stalker- seeing so many personal details and feelings- wanting many times to share my love and condolences and tell her that my thoughts were with her, but I don’t know her, she doesn’t know me… and yet I felt like a friend who was so sad and hurt by what she was going though and was so proud of her courage for sharing her story/life publicly in such a beautiful manner. It wasn’t till recently, when I opened my email box to “The best chocolate chip cookies” email from Pinterest and when opening the link… of course it was Pinch Of Yum’s recipe! I took this as a sign that it was time for me to honor Lindsay and her son, Afton (in the most minuscule way I could). Lindsay- my thoughts have been with you and your family and will continue to be. Stay amazing and inspiring. You are a true admirable gem. #feedingabrokenheart . The Best Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies . . #chicagofooddork . . . . #🍪 #chocolatechipcookies #cookies #homemadefood #sweettooth #dessertlover #thekitchn #getinmybelly #devourpower #foodshot #glutenfreelife #feastagram #liveunscripted #satisfeed #yougottaeatthis #dailyfoodfeed #feedyoursoull #tastyfood #foodsharing #foodheaven #beautifulcuisines #tastespotting #eattherainbow #gloobyfood #huffposttaste #buzzfeedfood #foodgloriousfood #myfab5u

    A post shared by CFD🔹Erin (@chicagofooddork) on


    Sweet Nice cream honoring sweet baby 👶 Afton #feedingabrokenheart Out of all the parts in Afton’s story published by Lindsay in her PinchofYum blog, I like the part4 the most. Both Bjork and Lindsay chose the name for their baby boy in this chapter. The other reason I liked this chapter so much is because I could relate it to an incident in my life. In 2014 when I was pregnant, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. My life changed drastically after that. I changed my eating habit from a plateful of meal to a quarter plate of food and from carefree snacking to eating only protein chips. Well, apart from that and checking my blood sugar four times a day, I had to visit ob-gyn every week for a high risk ultrasound. While some days were “looks great”, many were anything can happen and you may deliver a premie. Amid all these, my husband and I completely forgot that we have to find a name for our baby 👶. It was while we were watching a movie, suddenly we found a name quite interesting. I googled it to see its meaning and I loved it. The name Shanaya means gift of god, and we both loved the name. That’s how we chose the name for our daughter. Dear Afton, although your presence on this earth was very short, your story inspires many many people around the world. I never thought that food can be so healing. Thank you Lindsay for starting this series in instagram. You are so brave and an inspiration. Earlier today while taking the pictures of these ice creams for my blog, suddenly the thought of sweet Afton came into my mind. I am participating in #feedingabrokenheart series for the second time to honor Sweet baby Afton! ♥️ Something sweet for sweet baby Afton♥️

    A post shared by My Dainty Soul (@soulmydaintyc) on


    I made another recipe for dinner last night for the #feedingabrokenheart series by @pinchofyum. This time I made a recipe in honor of my cat Granite who suddenly passed away a few months ago.🐱 👼I thought these sweet potato salmon melts would be perfect – I swapped the salmon for tuna because Granite loved to lick leftover tuna juices from the can.❤ . To be honest with you I didn’t want to make dinner last night, I was tired. But I did it anyways partially bc we didn’t have anything else in the fridge and bc I felt dedicated to sharing another recipe for the #feedingabrokenheart series. I’m glad I made the recipe because it brought back fun memories of Granite running into the kitchen the instant I opened the cans of tuna. I know he would have yelled and carry on until I gave them to him. I was sad when I didn’t have anyone there to lick up the leftover tuna juices. Then when remembered how after licking up the tuna juices he would have sat back, licked his chops and been so satisfied it made me smile. And reminded me to find joy in the little things in life. – This recipe and super long post goes out to my spunky cat Granite who I miss each day. And to anyone who knows the special love we share with pets. ❤❤❤ – Tap @robustrecipes to get the link to the recipe. Or Google – To read my story of how we lost Granite search “For Granite” on my blog.

    A post shared by Emily Koch (@robustrecipes) on


    What an honor it is to participate in Pinch of Yum’s #feedingabrokenheart series. This healthy veggie filled soup from @cookingclassy was the perfect thing to share with a friend in need. Lindsay’s story rings close to home having lost our own twin babies in a strikingly similar way just 3 years ago. Though I don’t know her, I admire her for using her heartbreaking situation to #sharegoodness in her son’s name. If you don’t know about her mini-movement, check out her blog and join the movement by reaching out to someone you know who could use it! • • • • • #feedfeed @thefeedfeed #foodprnshare #foodblogger #foodblogeats #bhgfood #thekitchn #f52grams #foodgawker #tastespotting #huffposttaste #eeeeeats #yummly #callmebetty #callmebettyblog #buzzfeast #tasty #foodblogshare

    A post shared by Amanda I From Scratch Foodie (@callmebettyblog) on


    My grandma used to make this delicious millet dessert called Krapec (traditional Slovenian dessert) 💛When she passed away a couple of years ago the recipe got lost forever – at least that’s what we had thought. We all tried to recreate this amazing cake but we failed miserably every time. Last year we finally got it right and we decided to make it this year for Easter – to celebrate my grandma and her delicious dessert. 🤗 The base is a simple yeasted dough with a layer of millet cooked in milk and another layer of creamy yogurt and sour cream. It’s incredibly tasty ✨Do you have any family recipes that got lost and you want to recreate them badly? 💛 [The recipe for this millet cake is now on, simply search for “millet cake” ] Have a wonderful weekend lovelies.✨ #jernejkitchen

    A post shared by Maja & Jernej (@jernejkitchen) on


    I made a batch of my slow cooker chicken and wild rice soup yesterday for dinner in honor of @pinchofyum’s sweet baby boy, Afton. I am inspired by their #feedingabrokenheart series.💙💙 I have shead tears as I have followed along as Lindsay has bravely told her story about the loss of her son. 👼 . In the feeding a broken heart series Lindsay does such an amazing job of reminding us about how amazingly healing food can be. This soup does just that it’s comforting, nourishing and soul warming. Friends, I encourage you to help ease someone’s pain (or yours) by making food and sharing it with them. Sending all my love to everyone who needs a little extra today!❤❤ . Don’t forget to tag your recipe with #feedingabrokenheart so everyone can feel the love.💓 – Tap @robustrecipes to get the link to the recipe. Or Google – #soupforthesoul

    A post shared by Emily Koch (@robustrecipes) on


    Veal Stew for dinner tonight! It’s homemade, it’s comforting, it’s full of flavor. Veal, carrots, onions, tomatoes, garlic, peas, raisins, bone broth, and a little seasoning. Stews are really comforting! I made this dish to honor sweet baby Afton. @lindsaymostrom lost her baby a few months ago. She has an awesome blog called @pinchofyum and she is really an inspiration to many many people. Lindsay recently made a stew, and I wanted to share my own version, because I think stews are really the best comfort food. Stews remind me of my childhood. Stews made from scratch. Stews that make my kitchen smell like home. Tonight, my family and I enjoyed this delicious meal. #feedingabrokenheart #vealstew #comfortfood

    A post shared by Ursula Herrera (@chfunfood) on


    I am writing this with a heavy heart. Tomorrow I will be driving to Raleigh to comfort my son. His college suitemate and close friend passed away yesterday. He had an asthma attack on Saturday which resulted in cardiac arrest. He was flown to Duke Medical center and put in an induced coma. They discovered because of the loss of oxygen, he no longer had any brain activity. The family took him off support and let him pass on his own. I can’t imagine what his family must be going through. So tragic to loose someone so young and who was just beginning to make his own mark on the world as a brilliant young adult. We will be going to the family’s home town for the funeral, but first I will fill my sons freezer with some of his moms home cooked love. To feed his broken heart. I need to have him in my arms for a nice big hug and good cry. I will be making him my chicken tetrazzini, leaving him this creamy warm comfort food for when he just doesn’t feel like leaving the dorm room to go to the dining hall. I hope he can take comfort in something from home. I have been moved and brought to tears reading Lindsay’s ( @pinchofyum ) journey she went through loosing her baby boy. This is also to honer her loss and her #feedingabrokenheart series. I posted this recipe @earthfare’s blog a couple months ago if you are interested in making it for someone you might know who needs a little extra love.

    A post shared by Claudia | The Traveling Spoon (@thetravelingspoonchef) on


    Now more than ever, I miss my mother and I miss my country. Some of you may know that she’s currently undergoing cancer treatment and it’s been so hard on all of us, especially her because she is a woman of immense strength and temerity. I know she has the strength to slay the beast but that doesn’t mean my heart is any less broken for her. June cannot come soon enough, where I’ll be amongst the banana plants and their tender green leaves, the mango trees laden with green-golden fruit and the sound of my parents voices as they talk about what a terrible toddler I was. For now, I’ll have to make to with eating these crispy hot “Chinese Rolls” as we call them in Sri Lanka (although oddly enough none of the Chinese restaurants back home actually serve these!) and drinking a strong cup of ginger plain tea. And I will now leave you with a small life hack on how to make these rolls as crispy as the Krest rolls we get back home (Sri Lankans will know what I’m referring to!): Always breadcrumb with Panko for the crispiest finish. Once the rolls are made, freeze them for 2-3 hours for firmness, and then fry them straight from frozen. Crispiest results ever! • • • • • #srilanka #srilankanfood #srilankancuisine #srilankancooking #foodphotography #food #foodporn #foodpic #foodphoto #foodpics #foodie #foodlovers #adelaide #adelaidefoodie #foodpornshare #foodstagram #feedfeed #buzzfeed #buzzfeedfood #vsco #f52grams #vscocam #vscofood #instafood #eatlocal #foodblogger #canon #chineserolls #feedingabrokenheart

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    Today is a super windy day when this comforting soup comes in handy. Roasted Butternut Squash and Caramelized Onion Soup. It is creamy and delicious ! 👍 * recipe link in bio ! I made a big batch of this for my churches women’s ministries fundraiser. The fundraiser has become a tradition now. We take containers fill them up with whatever goodness we choose and sell them after service. The money goes towards the needs of the church or sometimes a community need . I love serving the Lord and especially through food! #feedingabrokenheart * * * * #dishitgirl #godisgood #feedfeed #spoonfeed #buzzfeedfood #foodbeast #marthafood #huffposttaste #forkyeah #eatfamous #eater #bhgfood #todayfoodclub #foodblogfeed #foodbloggers #satisfeed #beautifulcusines #feastagram #lovefood #instafood #nomnomnom #forkfeed #devourpower #theeverygirl #bloglovinfood

    A post shared by Dina Deleasa-Gonsar (@dishitgirldina) on


    Well folks we made it to Thursday and I'm thinking we all deserve a little chocolate, don't you? 🙋🏻I'm delivering these little 4 ingredient homemade chocolates to a friend of mine this afternoon because she definitely deserves a few of these after the 💩 she's been through this week. They are crunchy, creamy, chocolatey and stupid easy to make! If you don't have heart shape molds you can use a mini muffin tin or make it into chocolate bark! . . Dedicating this post to my fellow Lindsay and food blogger pro (see what I did there😏) @pinchofyum because she also deserves a few of these! 💕#feedingabrokenheart #chocolate ▪️3 oz. chocolate bar (I used @alterecosf) ▪️1 1/2 T coconut butter ▪️1 T coconut oil ▪️2 T coconut flakes, banana chips (I used @baresnacks coconut and banana chips) or mulberries (or use a combo of each like I did here) Melt first 3 ingredients over a double boiler. Sprinkle a 1/2 t of the coconut flakes (or whatever you used) in the bottom of the molds or muffin tins. Pour the chocolate over the top and let set in the freezer for 10 minutes or until hardened. Pop out of the molds and try not to eat them all at once🙈. Makes about 7 heart shaped chocolates. If making it into bark, spread the mixture onto a piece of parchment paper and sprinkle the coconut chips over!

    A post shared by Lindsay | The Fit Fork Feed (@thefitforkfeed) on


    There are times in life, I think, when there are more questions than answers. This morning I woke up early knowing that today was going to be a difficult one. My dear friend lost her husband this week at only 25 years old and my heart has just broken for her and everyone who knew him. There are no words that will make this right, but there are a few that I hold tightly to at these times... Revelation 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. -- Psalm 46:1-2 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea. -- 1 Thessalonians 4:13 But we do not mourn as those who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.

    A post shared by Alexis Thom 🍓 Food Lover (@bananasandjams) on

    A banner saying RECIPES FROM THE SERIES.

    Basic + Awesome Creamy Potato Soup

    Baked Mac and Cheese

    Life Changing Instant Pot Beef Stew

    Simple Enchiladas Verdes

    Chicken Tetrazzini

    Spicy Instant Pot Carrot Soup

    Everything Greek Pork Pitas

    The Ultimate Wild Rice Burgers

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