
    Healthy Double Chocolate Malt

    Double chocolate malt bananas, tofu, almond milk, and cocoa in a glass with a spoon.

    I hope our new apartment comes with a blender because I plan to make an ultra thick and creamy healthy double chocolate malt every morning in the Philippines. Chocolate for breakfast yo.

    I’ve gotta be honest with you guys.

    Searching for a home abroad (when you’re not physically abroad yet) can be a little weird. Think House Hunters International, via the internet, with more marital stress and less money. I mean, I was fully committed to at least three different places all within the same hour and when I changed my mind for the 4th time, Bjork went for a drive to McDonald’s. At least we have some stress management tactics.

    Double chocolate malt with bananas, tofu, almond milk, and cocoa in a glass with chocolate chips.

    To avoid emotional and physical meltdowns at the airport, we had planned to leave all our stuff here and find a furnished apartment that would have everything we’d need. Silverware, desks, espresso makers… that sort of thing.

    But then we found out that “furnished” apartments are those that come with refrigerators, stoves, and beds. And maybe air conditioners and definitely not water heaters. Extra sweating and shorter showers. This is turning out to be a real adventure after all.

    If someone is going to have to haul my blender over there in a suitcase with a cooler of malt ingredients in order for me to have a healthy double chocolate malt every morning, I volunteer my husband. Because these malts are BOMB. Wait, I think I said that about the pasta.

    1. Why am I using phrases from 1995?
    2. Annoying.

    Here are some pics of our new soon-to-be apartment!

    Cebu Apartment.

    This is the kitchen. And the living room.  And pretty much the whole place.  Small, clean, and perfect.

    Cebu Apartment.

    This is the view that I’ll look at when sipping my third double chocolate malt of the day.

    Cebu Apartment.

    And this, obviously, is making my heart go wild.

    Baby wearing colorful clothes in a stroller.

    I can’t wait to hold this precious little buddy and spoonfeed him a double chocolate malt.  We’re friends already, I can just feel it.


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    A picture of Healthy Double Chocolate Malt

    Healthy Double Chocolate Malt


    This healthy double chocolate malt is made with bananas, tofu, almond milk, and cocoa. So thick and creamy and healthier than the original!


    • 3 small frozen bananas, slightly thawed
    • 5 ounces (half a block) firm tofu
    • 1/4 cup chocolate almond milk
    • 23 tablespoons sugar, honey, or sweetener (I used Truvia)
    • 12 tablespoons cocoa (I used less because mine was dark cocoa)
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla
    • 2 tablespoons malted milk powder


    1. Blend the bananas, tofu, milk, and sugar until smooth. Add the cocoa and blend again until smooth. Add the vanilla and malted milk powder.
    2. Pour into 2 glasses and serve topped with malted milk powder or chocolate chips.
    • Prep Time: 5 mins
    • Cook Time: 5 mins
    • Category: Dessert
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: healthy chocolate malt, malt recipe, chocolate malt

    Recipe Card powered by Tasty Recipes logo

    I promise that in all my the malts that I ate/drank/slurped, I did not detect any weird tofu taste.

    It was more like 100% creamy, chocolatey, and yummy.

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