
    Grandma’s Butterhorns

    Butterhorn sweet rolls topped with a vanilla glaze.

    Why are these little bite-sized nuggets of rolled, frosted, sweet bread called butterhorns?

    Good question.

    But in belated honor of Mother’s Day, I am sharing a recipe from Grandma R.

    My Grandma R – previously mentioned for her apple crisp – has been making these little appetizer/dessert/snack bites for as long as I can remember.

    Butterhorn sweet rolls topped with a vanilla glaze on a glass dish.

    Any season, any time of day, any part of the meal… they just work.  Somehow, it seems to always be an appropriate time to eat sweet bread with frosting.

    How did she ever came up with the idea for these incredibly sweet, soft, golden, buttery and overall cozy treats?  I don’t know.

    But would you expect anything less from my sweet Grandma R?

    Elderly woman smiling at the camera.


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    Grandma’s Butterhorns


    These butterhorns are the ones my Grandma makes for every holiday and special occasion. They’re cute little sweet rolls topped with a vanilla glaze.



    • 2 cups flour
    • 12 oz. cottage cheese
    • 2 sticks butter/margarine
    • dash of salt
    • 2 cups powdered sugar
    • 2 tbs. butter/margarine
    • 2 tbs. milk
    • 1 tsp. almond flavoring


    1. Beat cottage cheese and butter together. Add in flour and salt. Mix together and refrigerate overnight.
    2. Divide dough into 4 parts. Roll out each part like pie dough, and cut into 12 pie shaped wedges. Roll big end to little end.
    3. Bake on greased cookie sheet and 350 for 30 minutes. Cool.
    4. Mix frosting ingredients together (sugar through almond flavoring) and spread on cooled crescents.

    • Prep Time: 20 mins
    • Cook Time: 30 mins
    • Category: Dessert
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: butterhorns, sweet butterhorns, easy butterhorns

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    I’d like to say I got to take some home from our Mother’s Day celebration, but they were obviously gone in a flash.

    I did, however, get the (self appointed) honor of scraping up the frosting drips from the serving plate.  And I will take what I can get!

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