
    Gingerbread Loaves with Lemon Glaze

    It’s Christmastime!

    Gingerbread loaves with drizzle on a white plate.

    Or is it really? {crink eye}

    I feel like the world is playing a trick on me. From where I stand it looks more like primo beach season. True, people are wearing jeans and little sweater-like things, Christmas music and flashing neon nativity scenes have been going strong since, oh, I dunno, JULY, and I can’t find a seat at Starbucks.

    But nothing about the climate in the Philippines makes me feel like it’s Christmastime. Nothing. There’s not even like, a stray orange leaf or anything.

    Gingerbread loaves with drizzle on a wooden surface.

    Bjork and I sometimes create mini Minnesota winters with the air conditioning in our scrappy little office (you should see the curtains that Bjork bought). You know, the whole turn it to “max cool” and put on a hoodie for a little bit kinda thing? And then when that gets old, I go bake something cause it feels like I’m sitting next to the crackling fireplace. That might have something to do with THE ACTUAL FIRE that’s blazing away inside the oven. I dunno, real cold, real fire… it might actually be the Christmas season after all.

    I baked this gingerbread a few years ago for my coworkers. It was so yummy, and then I took not-very-good pictures of it and thought they were great. I literally remember thinking that I especially liked this one shot:

    Gingerbread Old Photo.

    But I don’t really like that shot anymore. Funny how things can change.

    Speaking of things changing, I am super excited because for the last few weeks (minus Virus Week) I’ve been in the process of making some additions and updates to my food photography eBook, Tasty Food Photography. Yay!

    To be a truth teller: I was kind of not excited to start working on it again.

    But it’s been such a fun process! I never could have imagined the kind of response that I’ve gotten from you, my readers, on how Tasty Food Photography has made such a positive difference in your food photography, which makes getting back into it supermotivating. Thank you for being so encouraging!

    Progress photos side-by-side.

    Plus, it gives me a good excuse to go to The Coffee Bean every.single.night. And if I don’t look out the window, The Coffee Bean gives me the warm Christmas fuzzies somethin’ fierce. So it’s Christmas. Fine. I accept, and I’ll take the White Dream Mocha Thingie.

    Know what else gives me warm Christmas fuzzies? Gingerbread. It’s so cozy. And is that lemon glaze pretty or what? These make great gifts, but if you can’t summon the strength, I will just let you know that they make perfect Christmastime breakfasts with a side of chai tea latte. Just saying.

    Gingerbread loaves with drizzle on a white plate.


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    gingerbread loaves

    Gingerbread Loaves with Lemon Glaze


    These gingerbread loaves are soft and moist and fluffy, and they make the house smell amazing. The lemon glaze is the perfect finishing touch!



    • 2 scant cups flour
    • 1 cup sugar
    • 10 tablespoons butter
    • 2 eggs
    • 1 cup buttermilk
    • zest of 1 orange
    • 1 tbs. baking soda
    • 1 tsp. ground sea salt
    • 1 tsp. ground ginger
    • 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
    • 1 tsp. ground cloves
    • (other spice options: nutmeg, allspice)
    • 1 tsp. ground mustard
    • 3 tablespoons fresh grated ginger soaked in 1-2 tablespoons hot water (or 3 tablespoons ginger paste such as Fresh Gourmet)
    • juice of one lemon
    • 1 cup powdered sugar


    1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Cream butter with sugar. Add eggs and beat until fluffy – about 2 minutes.
    2. Add all other ingredients (except lemon and powdered sugar) and mix until moistened.
    3. Divide the batter evenly between two greased loaf pans and bake for about 30-45 minutes, depending on the size of pan, until golden brown and the tops spring back when touched.
    4. After loaves have cooled completely, stir lemon juice with powdered sugar until a thick glaze forms. Spread over tops of loaves and allow to set.


    Covering the bread with foil during the last 10 minutes will help the top not to get too brown as it bakes.

    • Prep Time: 10 mins
    • Cook Time: 40 mins
    • Category: Dessert
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: gingerbread loaf, lemon glaze, gingerbread bread

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    I started to get crocodile tears just listening to Amy Grant singing about chesnuts and yuletide carols and coming home for Christmas, so I decided that this year all my Christmas music has to be totally new. Unfamiliar and unknown. No memories attached. I downloaded a Christmas album from…  Martina McBride. Is that weird? Cause I really like it.


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