
    Join Us for Three Weeks of Meal Plans (FREE!)

    Ahhhhh, summer. We love to love it and also how are there this many end-of-school projects and assemblies and how am I supposed to rush to one more dance class and why do I feel like I want to do anything else besides cook when it’s this nice out??

    Yup. YUP.

    So this May, let us do the meal planning work for you… for free! ♡

    If you’ve joined us for our 10-week Fall or Winter Meal Plans, you’ll know what’s coming your way! 🤩 And if you haven’t, this is your chance to get a glimpse into what all the craze is about.

    Get 3 Weeks Of Free Meal Plans!

      We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at anytime.

      How It Works

      Every week for 3 weeks, we’ll send you a meal plan directly to your inbox that includes:

      • 5 dinner recipes,
      • a pick-and-choose grocery list,
      • and a list of prep steps if you want to work ahead a bit.

      All you have to do each week is open your email! You’ll be ready to hit the ground running with cooking for the week!

      I Want In! How Do I Sign Up?

      Just fill out the form below before May 4! This series is FREE – all you need to provide is your email.

      Once you sign up, here’s what you can expect:

      1. On May 4, you’ll receive your first weekly meal plan. This can be downloaded and printed directly from the email or accessed digitally. All meal plan PDFs are yours to keep and all links will stay active, so nothing will go away.
      2. Every Thursday morning is when you can expect to see your weekly meal plans drop into your inbox (May 4, May 11, and May 18). Cook all five recipes or just pick and choose the ones that are right for you that week!

      Get 3 Weeks Of Free Meal Plans!

        We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at anytime.

        What’s Included In Each Week’s Meal Plan

        We want these meal plans to work with you, and for you. They’ve got everything you need – from what to make, what to buy, and how to make happen.

        Weekly Menu

        A list of five delicious dinners that will get dinner on the table quickly and easily. Each weekly menu is finely tuned to the season, so you’re eating the freshest produce and getting all the season’s happiest vibes.

        Grocery List

        TWO thorough pick-and-choose grocery lists to get you everything you’ll need for the week, sorted either by category or recipe (if you’re not making all five), all check-able to account for everything you need, and nothing you don’t.

        Prep Steps

        An agenda of items to prep for your weekly menu to make cooking a breeze. Take one hour on the weekend to chop your veg, whisk your sauce, or mix your sauces, and you’re ready to take on the week.

        Get 3 Weeks Of Free Meal Plans!

          We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at anytime.


          Leave a comment right here on this post and our team can answer, or check out our meal plan FAQ!

          What Previous Meal Plan Participants Have To Say

          “I’m on week 9 of the meal plan program. This has changed my life. Large parts of my brain are now available for other uses. I could say more, but it would probably be more helpful if I wrote a Google review or something. I’m ready to praise you… just tell me where to sing it.” – Luke

          “As luck would have it, my husband and I found out we were expecting our first child around the time these plans started. It would be an understatement to say that signing up has been a first trimester LIFE SAVER. Sticking to the meals even when my body resisted homemade meals has been my #1 contributor to feeding my body nourishment these past 7 weeks. Plus discovering old recipes from the POY archive has been such a joy and I look forward to Thursday mornings so much.” – Lindsay

          “Just wanted to say that I am LOVING the Fall Meal Plan. I thought maybe I had fallen out of love with cooking, but dinner is something you can’t really quit when you have a family of four. Enter your meal plan… life changing. I didn’t hate cooking, I hated the pre-work. The deciding, the planning, the list making. Now you’ve taken care of that for me, and I look forward to making dinner instead of feeling tired of it before I even start. And the meals are a perfect amount of work for a weeknight and such amazing flavors.” – Rachel

          Get 3 Weeks Of Free Meal Plans!

            We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at anytime.

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