
    It’s a Food Photography Workshop Extravaganza!

    Two women with cameras.

    Announcement of the day: I LOOOOVE WORKSHOPS!

    This obsession started brewing last year, and I have since gone off the food photography workshop deep end.

    In 2014-2015, I attended a few food photography workshops, taught a few food photography workshops for other organizations, and then started to get the idea that I might want to actually have my own space and hold my own Minnesota food photography workshops and invite people to come and take pictures of food together. wheeee!

    And so it began.

    Our first food photography workshop was in September of 2015. We rented a cute little studio to host the event which was awesome and adorable – and LITTLE.

    We did two more workshops in November and December – again in the little studio which was again amazing and adorable, and again – very little.

    So then something really crazy and big happened.

    Bowl with greens and berries with fork and knife.

    In January, we got all set up with our OWN studio in Minneapolis, Minnesota (represent!) to host workshops and other events and give the cool-blogger-office vibe a go.

    The space was amazing and raw and rustic-industrial and HUGELY BIG. There were 12 windows. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. But for real – 12 windows. Tons of space and light not only for me to use for Pinch of Yum photography, but also for workshop attendees to really be able to have dedicated practice space. I was excited beyond excited to start bringing my food photography friends into the space.

    And now? March and April have almost completely come and gone, and these last two months have seen us through four workshops with 60+ people coming in from all over the United States and Canada to use our new space for learning and practicing food photography.

    OH MY GOSH. What a dream. It was everything my little elementary school teacher’s heart was hoping it would be and more.

    And now I am going to go sleep for 900 hours because THAT WAS SO FUN! and fun = tired.

    Women in a studio.

    Guys, there are a few more workshops coming this summer and I’m super excited about them. I would love to see your lovely face or maybe the lovely face of someone you love in attendance. ♡

    You know which people I’m talking about, right? Those friends who pose your hands holding a sandwich and make you hold up your ice cream cone against a brick wall and arrange food on your table at the restaurant before standing on a chair to snap a photo? These are the ones. These are our chosen people.

    To stay notified of upcoming workshop launch dates and registration, sign up using this handy button!

    And now – while I finally go re-stock my fridge and try to get back to cooking like a normal person (eee can’t wait! it’s the little things) – you can peruse through phase one of our workshop images captured by Abby, our cool photography friend with dreads. She automatically gets cool points for those, right? Thanks for the pics, A!

    Related: I am still not ready to do a full reveal on the studio because I’m Type A and sometimes a little rigid and I’m wanting it to be completely complete before fully showing it off… but it’s coming. Just know it’s coming.

    Woman with a camera photographing food.
    Plate with granola and berries with a camera and a spoon.
    Woman styling food with a napkin.
    Woman with a camera taking a photo of food on a plate.
    Two women talking while looking at a computer screen.
    Woman styling food in a jar to photograph.
    Woman taking a photo of food with a camera.
    Woman styling pancakes on a plate with a dark napkin.
    Women sitting at a table talking.
    Chipotle on a napkin with a glass of water.
    Woman showing food styling.
    Women sitting at a table working.
    Woman taking a photo of salad with her phone.
    Woman photographing food with a camera.
    Women in a food buffet line.
    Two women talking while holding cameras.
    Woman grabbing fruit from a bowl.
    Woman photographing sandwiches.
    Women making silly faces at the camera.

    Also: we are so well-fed during the workshops and we owe that to some very generous and delicious sponsors.

    From Chipotle style-your-own burrito bowl lunches to a Seven Sundays muesli styling bar breakfast, to delicious and healthy smoothie bowls from Whole Sum Kitchen and a sparkly + glittery Copper Hen champagne cupcake to wrap up the weekend, we are not lacking in the food department.

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