
    Food Photography FAQ

    Update (3.28.12): Tasty Food Photography is now available!
    Check it out here:

    I have something that I’m really excited to share with you guys.


    Since I started blogging, I’ve learned a lot about food photography.  I’ve also learned that stunning food photos can breathe life into your food blog.

    I often get questions from other food bloggers asking for tips on how to take better food photographs.  This is a great question to ask because getting published on photo-based sites like Tastespotting, Foodgawker, and Pinterest can bring significant traffic to your blog.

    So what I’m super excited to tell you is that I’ve compiled a collection of the most important things I’ve learned about food photography and put them into a food photography eBook!

    Woman styling food to take photos.

    The book is almost done and ready to be unveiled to the internet world.  Eee!

    But before I finish it, I would love to hear from you.   I want to know what you want to know about food photography.   Like, questions.

    • If you bought a food photography book, what would you hope to learn?
    • What things are the most challenging for you when photographing your food?
    • What type of camera do you use and what do you use to edit your photos?

    If you leave your questions in the comments section, I’ll use them to help me make the final decisions about what content to include in the book.  Your questions will ultimately help to shape the book into a photography resource that’s perfect for food bloggers.

    Woman holding a camera.

    Thank you in advance for being a part of this process and helping me make this book into the most useful tool possible!

    It’s been a lot of work, but I have had SO much fun writing this book.  I can’t wait to share it with you guys!

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