
    Peanut Butter Pretzel Energy Bites

    Energy Bites loaded with salty-sweet flavors and textures? Pretzels? Toasted coconut? Peanut butter and oats and chia seeds? This is right where we wanna be.

    Energy bites with chocolate and coconut.

    I am a lover of two things:

    1. Salty Sweet
    2. Energy Bites (or other small dessert in round spherical form)

    And the good news for those of us who love conveniences such as packing all the good snacks – health wise and taste wise – into one little treat that you can take on the go and eat in three bites is that THIS ENERGY BITES RECIPE WAS MADE FOR YOU.


    Energy bites on a pan.

    Let me just paint the picture.

    It’s a Thursday or Monday or any old night. You worked a long day. You made a nice dinner – orrr maybe picked up Thai curry for takeout / judgement free zone – and now you’re ready to settle in for the night with Netflix and a _____. But what is the ____? It’s a treat, probably, although not *too* much of a treat because it’s just a Thursday night and you don’t want to go crazywild with it since you’ll go out on Friday or Saturday, but seriously, just a few bites of a little sweet-ish snack would be the perfect thing and please actually can someone bring that almost empty ice cream container and the bag of chocolate chips in here?

    And then it’s Saturday afternoon and you’d really love to make a fun snack for those hungry hours between brunch and dinner but you also have a major nap on the agenda so time is limited here, people. Your jam right now is something that comes together without any special trip to the store and without a ton of fussy prep and with zero wait-time before you can eat it. This maybe makes us sound more desperate than we really are (right…?) but this is a situation that requires immediacy. No time to wait. Hangry alarms are ringing.

    You and I both.

    If I haven’t made this so super clear yet, I am of the mindset that a two-bite sweet snack after a meal or between meals or, let’s be honest, BEFORE meals sometimes makes everything right in the world. No need to go full blown piece-of-pie on me. I’m not looking for a quadruple scoop ice cream cone with all the toppings. All I need is literally a few little bites of something good to just make my mouth feel happy – and if it could be something that is also nutritious and real food and energy-giving, that would be my vision of practical-meets-healthy-meets-omg-delicious food heaven.

    Yoohoooooooo! over here!

    We’ve cracked the code on this dilemma.

    Pretzels, coconut oil, seeds, syrup, and peanut butter in a clear bowl.
    Agave syrup.

    These energy bites are similar to lots of the other energy bites you’ll find on the internet, except also not. There are a few key differences.


    • Shredded coconut. Unsweetened and toasted plz.
    • Pretzels bc TEAM SALTY SWEET! Also because usually I have at least one random box of cereal or crackers or salty snacks like pretzels sitting around that is needing to find a home within a recipe. This is its moment to shine.
    • Oats – but not just plain oats (honestly, how do people eat them raw when they’re so big and chewy? I struggle.) – we run these through the food processor first for better texture. It’s the little things.
    • Ch-ch-ch-ch-chiiiia seeds. Those soft little crunchies up in there make the whole thing. Seriously.
    • Peanut butter but could also be almost any other nut butter because everyone’s invited to this party! ♡
    • Coconut oil – I still can’t let go of the texture of these babies.
    • Agave – Wholesome!® does it right with organic, fair trade, and non-GMO agave goodness. I love honey, for sure, but agave = hello vegan energy bites! The texture incorporates easily and also the simple sweet flavor is perfection.
    Hands holding energy bites.
    Peanut butter pretzel energy bites.

    And just like that, we have ourselves the solution we’ve been looking for: a two-bite quick and easy energy bite snack that comes together with just about any ingredients you have on hand and keeps soft and delicious in the fridge for many weeks and packs in a little mini nutritional boost to give you energy which is why these are called ENERGY BITES.


    We are just a little obsessed over here.


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    Peanut Butter Pretzel Energy Bites on parchment paper.

    Peanut Butter Pretzel Energy Bites

    • Author:
      Pinch of Yum

    • Total Time:
      20 minutes

    • Yield:
      2025 bites 1x


    Energy Bites! Easy no-bake recipe with real food like oats, chia seeds, peanut butter, and coconut. Stays soft and yummy for weeks in the fridge!




    • 1 1/2 cups rolled oats
    • 1 1/2 cups pretzels
    • 1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconut, toasted if you wanna be fancy
    • 1/4 cup chia seeds or flaxmeal (or a combo)
    • 1/2 cup peanut butter
    • 1/4 cup coconut oil, softened
    • 1/4 cup Wholesome! organic blue agave


    1. Pulse the oats and pretzels through a food processor (one ingredient at a time) to get a more uniform chopped texture. I usually give each about 15 quick pulses. You want the texture to be “crushed” – somewhere between whole and completely ground.
    2. Mix all ingredients together until combined. Shape into balls (it helps to squeeze them to stick together) – usually I can get 20-25 with this recipe, depending on how many I eat during the shaping process. Chill in the fridge or freezer for 20-30 minutes. Done! I keep these in the freezer so they last longer and hold their shape nicely but they do well at room temperature for a day or two as well.


    I used unsweetened coconut. To make them prettier, roll them in a little bit of toasted coconut or dip in chocolate.

    • Prep Time: 15 mins
    • Cook Time: 5 mins
    • Category: Snack
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: peanut butter pretzel energy bites, peanut butter energy bites, energy bites

    Recipe Card powered by Tasty Recipes logo

    Thanks to Wholesome!® – makers of this Organic Blue Agave – for partnering with us for this post! And for being a great brand all-around.

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