
    Easy Chili Lime Fish Tacos

    Hand grabbing a Chili Lime Fish Taco.

    Of all the tacos out there, why are fish tacos just so much better? It’s like they were just meant to be, with the light and flaky fish baked in chili and lime and butter, plus a solidly delicious charred corn tortilla plus a good fresh (peach?) salsa and maybe a sauce such as spicy mayo because what is this blog if not an ongoing love letter to sauce.

    Today I want to talk to you, person who has been eating out a lot lately and avoiding the grocery store since right around the beginning of June. You know who you are – I’m talking to my friends who have enjoyed many-a-delicious meal from food trucks, coffee shops, breweries, brunch spots, outdoor restaurants, bakeries, and tea bars, all within the last 48 hours. The ones whose ice cream cone game has been ON POINT over the last 6 weeks. The ones whose love for eating out with friends and family and, really, to be honest, just anyone who will grab a meal with you, between bike rides and beach trips and lazy afternoons “working from home” miiiight be the reason that you’ve basically forgotten how to cook a meal. Eggs? Toast? How do we do this again? It’s mid-July and the living is good and you’re waving the white flag on meal prep, all because one little word: #summer.

    Yeah, hi. You think you can hide, but I see you and I know you because I AM YOU.


    Hand holding a plate of chili lime fish tacos.

    Recently, though, I crossed over to the other side. The side where PEOPLE ACTUALLY COOK MEALS AT HOME even though it is 75 degrees and sunny at 6pm.

    And surprise: it was basically the most awesome time of my summer because of how delicious, healthy, and seriously easy these fish tacos are. I bet you could make these in 15 minutes flat. Chili lime fish tacos, how we adore you.

    Here’s what we’re working with:

    Barramundi Fish Tacos.

    If we’re going for fish, let’s use quality fish.

    Guys, this probably won’t blow anyone’s mind, but fish in Minnesota can be a little iffy. Unless you live on the lake and catch your own fresh walleye on the reg (ice fishing, anyone?), it can be challenging to obtain good quality fish year-round.

    Last year I went to something called the Sustainable Seafood Blog Conference – because, yes, my whole life is a parody sometimes – and it actually totally blew my mind. I learned so much about seafood, sustainable practices for both wild caught and ocean farmed fish, and how to be a better consumer when it comes to buying seafood.

    I’m super happy to report that the fish we are featuring today – Australis Barramundi –  is many good things.

    • DELICIOUS. Non-fishy-tasting. Flaky, white, light. Easy to cook.
    • Also it is the first-ever ocean-reared marine fish to receive Monterey Bay Aquarium SeafoodWatch®’s Best Choice rating among other awards and recognition for using best practices and high standards in ocean farming. ALRIGHT YES GO TEAM! Exciting and important innovations happening here.
    • It is raised with no hormones, additives, or colorants. There are no traceable levels of mercury, PCBs, or other stuff you don’t want in your fish. Clean and pure, baby.
    • Most importantly: available at REGULAR GROCERY STORES. This is a requirement for 99% of the foods in my life. Helloooo Costco, Whole Foods, and more.  Everyone in the car, NOW.
    Fish drizzled with chili lime sauce.
    Ingredients in a bowl.
    Chili Lime Fish Tacos on a plate.

    With our good quality fish (s/o to Barramundi) and our fresh peach salsa (s/o to the mind-blowing juicy peaches of July) and our yummy corn tortillas charred up real good over a gas burner, we are good to go.

    We are eating happy.

    We are taco heroes.

    We are going to have one fresh, magical homemade meal that we remember how to make in the summer.


    Fish tacos on a plate.

    To try Barramundi without paying full price, here’s a lil’ money saving situation–> Click here for the Barramundi discount coupon.


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    Chili Lime Fish Tacos on a plate.

    Easy Chili Lime Fish Tacos

    • Author:
      Pinch of Yum

    • Total Time:
      30 minutes

    • Yield:
      2 (about 56 tacos total) 1x


    Chili Lime Fish Tacos – these are so easy, it will blow your mind. 5 basic ingredients for the fish, and a quick peach salsa to add some color and flavor.



    For the Chili Lime Fish:

    • 3 tablespoons butter, melted
    • juice of one lime
    • 1 teaspoon chili powder
    • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
    • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
    • 12 ounces Australis Barramundi (can be purchased at Costco or find your store here)

    For the Peach Salsa:

    • 1 peach, chopped
    • 1/4 cup cilantro leaves, roughly chopped
    • 1/4 cup red onion, minced
    • half a jalapeño, seeded and minced
    • lime juice and salt to taste

    Other Taco Essentials:

    • corn tortillas
    • mayo for a quick sauce (see notes)
    • avocado, lime, or other toppings


    1. CHILI LIME FISH: Defrost the fish by soaking it in the packaging in cold water for about 15 minutes. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Whisk the butter, lime juice, chili powder, garlic powder, and salt together. Place the fish in a small oven-safe dish, pour sauce over the top, and bake for 15 minutes. Remove fish from the oven, flake into small pieces, and toss with any sauce left in the pan. Bake for another 5 minutes so the sauce soaks into the fish.
    2. PEACH SALSA: Toss all ingredients together.
    3. TACOS: Assemble, layer, load it up, squeeze more lime over the top, and DEVOUR.


    For a nice quick little sauce, reserve 1-2 tablespoons of the chili lime sauce and mix with mayo or sour cream. Drizzle this sauce over the top of your tacos.

    • Prep Time: 10 mins
    • Cook Time: 20 mins
    • Category: Dinner
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: fish tacos, fish recipe, taco recipe

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    This post was sponsored by Australis Barramundi. We love love love this delicious, sustainable fish!

    One More Thing!

    This recipe is part of our collection of best taco recipes. Check it out!

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