

    Infant baby looking at camera.

    I’m kind of embarrassed that I titled this post “cute” because cute is a very shallow way to describe these little ones, and all that they are, and all that they represent. There are so many layers to this place and these kids.

    But gosh, what can I say, really?

    Young boy playing outside wearing a helmet.

    They are just so darn cute, drool on chin and everything.

    Young baby looking at camera.

    This little guy is a pretty accurate representation of how my hair acts in the Philippines.

    Except his hair is actually adorable.

    Young boy looking at camera.

    These two girls are best friends.

    I can’t even come close to explaining these two, but they both have the most hilarious sense of humor. Just look at their hair, you guys. Seriously. Watching them be funny together is one of the things I’m really going to miss about being here.

    You might have seen their pictures on some my other kid pic posts, like this one, or this one. But I love this picture because this girl, the older one, just looked right up at me mid-swing with the most gentle, intense stare that went right straight into my soul.

    Cute doesn’t even touch it.

    Young girls sitting on a swing.

    This baby boy crawls around on cement as is happy about it. Yep, that’s him. As of a few weeks ago, he smiled at me instead of crying when I walk into the room. Good thing that only took 9 months.

    Infant boy looking at camera.

    And I swear, every time this sweetheart holds out her arms to me, I get REAL warm-fuzzies. Like my heart is just in a puddle and I can’t stop smiling like a complete fool.

    Young girl reaching for the camera.

    There are so many cute faces here, and because this is an orphanage, a temporary shelter for children, that means there is a need for them to be loved.

    I am constantly in awe of all the love that exists here, not from those who come and go from this place freely, but from those who have given their whole selves to care for these kids who are in need of families. One year here is great and everything, but fifteen years here, living here, giving here, is sacrificial.

    I love this picture of Auntie Ivy. She is a house parent and she is one of those people.

    Woman playing with young girls outside.

    If you’re interested in seeing more pictures, reading more stories, or just knowing more about the Children’s Shelter of Cebu, you can check out their website.

    You can also follow along with these kiddos on Facebook, and guess what? As of a few weeks ago you can follow on Twitter! Hiphiphooray!

    Thanks for reading about this piece of our life and adoring these cuties right along with us. Lots of love all around!

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