
    Creamy Thai Sweet Potato Curry

    Creamy Thai Sweet Potato Curry with rice in a blue bowl.

    So now we know what kind of food they serve in heaven.

    It’s for surely gotta be sweet potato curry, for surely for sure. There just cannot be anything else.

    I’m not just talking about just any old curry -> I’m talking about the kind of curry that hits that perfect spot between silky-creaminess and fire-breathing flavor all in one sweeping, saucy bite.

    For example, just off the top of my head: Creamy Thai Sweet Potato Curry that can be made in about 20 minutes and that just makes your heart sing for joy when you remember that you have at least three servings of it left in the fridge and you are about to win big at Leftovers Lunch.

    There is not one single thing I don’t love about this type of food.

    Creamy Thai Sweet Potato Curry in two bowls.

    This Will Be In Your Forever Recipe Rotation

    You know those recipes that you make once, and then you make twice, and then suddenly a week has gone by and you’ve really only made that one same recipe and you realize that you’re either a boring person for making the same thing over and over again or (more accurately) a winner for knowing which recipes are worth your time?

    This is that.

    It’s too good NOT to make. It is all this and more:

    • nutritious
    • quick
    • easy
    Yellow curry paste in a jar with a spoon.

    Let’s Talk Curry Paste

    Store-bought red curry paste works just fine in this recipe. It’s how I started making it, actually. But then I did something that ended up being magical: I started adding a spoonful of homemade yellow curry paste in with the store-bought red curry paste and BOOM! Flavor explosion. Maybe it’s all in my mind, but probably not – the curry paste combo is just epically delicious.

    You laugh now, but we’ll see who gets the last laugh here. WE’LL SEE.

    Three Curry scenarios here:

    1. You are intimidated by curry-making. Just buy some red curry paste (available at most grocery stores these days) or grab some on Amazon because you have Prime with 2 day shipping, don’t you, you little smartie? I knew we were twinning on that. Curry Paste: (affiliate link)
    2. You are not intimidated by curry-paste-making. In which case you are probably too advanced to be reading this blog.
    3. You are semi-intimidated by curry-paste-making, but you are intrigued. Friend, you are the perfect middle child that I seek for this assignment. I so strongly encourage you to try your hand at making this adapted, familiar-ingredients version of homemade Thai yellow curry paste. Keep that jar of golden love close at hand because it will go on to gift you many batches of fragrant, cozy curries all through the winter with just the swish of your spoon. I am very, very excited for you.
    Creamy Thai Sweet Potato Curry in a bowl with rice.

    Voila! Look at you, Curry Master.

    Thai Sweet Potato Curry: FAQs

    I’m fresh out of sweet potatoes. Anything else?

    Butternut squash would be good!

    Should I use sweetened or unsweetened coconut milk?

    Definitely use unsweetened canned coconut milk for this recipe.

    Any vegan-friendly proteins ideas to add here?

    Chickpeas, tofu, or tempeh would all be delicious options!

    Prefer To Watch Instead Of Read?


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    Sweet Potato Curry in a bowl with rice.

    Creamy Thai Sweet Potato Curry

    • Author: Pinch of Yum
    • Total Time: 30 minutes
    • Yield: 45 (4 in our house) 1x


    Creamy Thai Sweet Potato Curry – packed with nutrition! our favorite easy, healthy, winter comfort food recipe. vegetarian and vegan.


    • 1 tablespoon oil
    • 2 shallots, thinly sliced
    • 2 sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed
    • 34 cups fresh baby spinach
    • 23 tablespoons curry paste (see notes)
    • 1 14ounce can regular coconut milk
    • 1/2 to 1 cup broth or water
    • 1/2 cup chopped peanuts and cilantro
    • fish sauce (or vegan fish sauce) to taste


    1. Start your rice, if you’re serving this over rice (highly recommend)! Make your HOMEMADE curry paste (you rockstar, you). Roast your garlic, shallots, and ginger. Hydrate your chili peppers. Blitz it all up in the food processor with some spices, lemongrass paste, and cilantro. 
    2. Heat the oil over medium high heat. Add the shallots and stir fry until soft and fragrant. Add the sweet potatoes and stir to coat with oil. Add the curry paste and stir until well-combined.
    3. Add the coconut milk and broth and let it simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes until thickened. Stir in the spinach until wilted.
    4. Add half of the peanut/cilantro mixture; reserve the rest for topping. Add a quick splash of fish sauce to the curry to make the whole thing just sing harmony in your mouth. Yummy.
    5. Serve over rice, topped with remaining peanuts/cilantro.


    For some reason, I am loving the taste of combining red curry paste and yellow curry paste in this! I’ve made it with both strictly red and strictly yellow and they’re both great as well. If you are a curry lover, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make yourself some homemade yellow curry paste. It’s amazing. This recipe uses familiar ingredients and works perfectly for quick last-minute batches of curry if you keep it in the freezer!

    For vegetarian/vegan option, just double check that your curry paste is compliant or make your own. Also, obviously, omit the fish sauce.

    Nutrition is for 1 out of 5 servings, not including rice or fish sauce.

    • Prep Time: 10 minutes
    • Cook Time: 20 minutes
    • Category: Dinner
    • Method: Simmer
    • Cuisine: Thai-Inspired

    Keywords: vegetarian curry, sweet potato curry, red curry, yellow curry, curry paste

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    All The Vegetarian Curry, Please

    One More Thing!

    This recipe is part of our collection of best healthy gluten-free recipes. Check it out!

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