
    Coconut Pecan Cabin Granola

    Perfect granola for taking along on summer vacation for easy, real food breakfasts! Made in 30 minutes. Simple and SO good! |

    It’s July 3rd! Almost July 4th! 🇺🇸

    WHAT IN THE WORLD. I have no idea when or where that happened or, um, better question – what I was doing while it was happening? – but psh. No time for that on this Friday before the 4th. Here I am! Granola in hand, cabin dreaming, and summer party ready. ✨

    Today’s post is a tribute to a very old favorite – my family’s Cabin Granola. Which should actually be called Coconut Pecan Granola, or something a little more delicious sounding, but I love the idea of Cabin Life right now so I went with a mashup name: Coconut Pecan Cabin Granola.

    My parents make this every year when we go up to the cabin for the most heavenly two weeks of the year, which reminds me: how many days till we leave again?

    Perfect granola for taking along on summer vacation for easy, real food breakfasts! Made in 30 minutes. Simple and SO good! |

    Would it be basic of me to just say that this granola is THE BEST? Basic, but true.

    On Father’s Day I went home bearing a cute gift of homemade Coconut Oil Granola only to find a big batch of this Cabin Granola already on the counter, made by mom. I took a bite (always) of the Cabin Granola and was suddenly self conscious about my humble little coconut oil granola.  Who do I think I am, making any granola other than the family classic? Gah. The internet has changed me.

    I was immediately brought back to my delicious granola roots – slow moving days at the cabin with bowls – okay, fine, fistfuls in my finer moments – of granola to keep me fueled up for all the vigorous cabin activity. Such as reading, and napping, and playing card games.

    O SWEET CABIN. 🚗 I’m comingggg!

    All of this (my one bite) led me to the question: why am I even messing around with dramatic food blogger-y things like ** The Ultimate Chocolate Granola ** – eye roll – when this regular old family staple church cookbook granola, complete with pre-sliced almonds and a full cup of oil and a really long squeeze of honey, is the epitome of Minnesota Cabin Love?

    Okay, for the record, the chocolate granola is really good, too, but still.

    I have to be true to my roots.

    Perfect granola for taking along on summer vacation for easy, real food breakfasts! Made in 30 minutes. Simple and SO good! |

    Hey one thing real quick.

    The little clusters.

    Soft, moist, not-dry-and-crunchy clusters.

    Perfect granola for taking along on summer vacation for easy, real food breakfasts! Made in 30 minutes. Simple and SO good! |

    I have made this granola many times in the last few weeks because we’ve had many people to thank for many things.

    Borrowing us baby gear when we hosted the kids in June, watering my infant garden while we were in New Orleans, babysitting Sagey during our travels… I got this text from my neighbor the day after dropping off the Thank You batch of granola on their doorstep.

    Screen Shot 2015-07-03 at 8.04.30 AM


    Awyeah. Spreading the granola addiction far and wide through St. Paul, Minnesota. That’s what I’m talking about.

    For anyone who’s headed to the cabin this weekend, first of all, luckeeee! Secondly, be safe and have so much fun and FIND 30 MINUTES BEFORE YOU LEAVE TO MAKE A BATCH OF THIS GRANOLA.

    All caps necessary.

    Perfect granola for taking along on summer vacation for easy, real food breakfasts! Made in 30 minutes. Simple and SO good! |


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    Cabin Granola in a bowl with yogurt and berries.

    Coconut Pecan Cabin Granola

    • Author: Pinch of Yum
    • Total Time: 40 minutes
    • Yield: 16 servings 1x


    Perfect granola for taking along on summer vacation for easy, real food breakfasts! Made in 30 minutes. Simple and SO good!


    • 6 cups rolled oats
    • 1 cup slivered or sliced almonds
    • 1 cup chopped pecans
    • 1 cup flour (I haven’t tried whole wheat but I assume it would work fine)
    • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
    • 1 teaspoon salt
    • 1/4 cup sugar (optional – if I do use it, I like turbinado sugar)
    • 1 cup vegetable oil
    • 1/2 cup honey
    • 1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes


    1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.
    2. In a large bowl, combine the oats, almonds, pecans, flour, cinnamon, salt, and sugar if using. Stir to combine.
    3. Whisk the oil and the honey together. Pour over the oats mixture and until the whole mixture is moistened. Pour into a large jelly roll pan in a single layer, which will be thick – that’s okay because if you spread it out too much, it will bake too quickly and get crunchy and hard. No good.
    4. Bake for 20 minutes, stir once, bake for 10 more minutes, stir once, and add the coconut flakes on top. Bake for a final 5 minutes (the coconut will get nice and brown) and remove from the oven. DON’T STIR right away! Let it just sit and mellow out on the pan – this helps it cluster up a little bit.


    Sometimes I’ll turn the temperature down to 300 degrees during baking if I feel like it’s baking a little too fast for my liking. We only have temperature increments of 25 degrees, so I don’t have the option for a 315 degree setting or anything. It works fine for me to just sort of eyeball it, but if I were to pick a really specific number, I’d choose something between 325 and 300 degrees.

    • Prep Time: 10 mins
    • Cook Time: 30 mins
    • Category: Snack
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: coconut granola, coconut pecan granola, granola recipe

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    PS. For fun, if you want to see the first post I did about this same granola when I was just getting started blogging, you can check it out here! I actually wrote and photographed this at the cabin. Obviously.

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