
    Classic Dinner Pancakes

    Pancakes with maple syrup and a glass of orange juice.

    That is not a typo.

    That’s a delicious stack of seventeen pancakes topped with salted butter and sweet maple syrup. For DINNER.

    Well, maybe it’s second dinner, because in my life there’s a personal rule that during the week of parent-teacher conferences you get to have two dinners.

    Other Miscellaneous Personal Rules That I Have That You Should Know About:

    1. Wash hands at least 23x before eating. I.SEE.germs.
    2. Wash hair every other day. Best rule ever.
    3. Take long showers every other day. 2nd best rule ever.
    4. Always break cookies in half.
    5. Always eat multiple halves.
    6. Wear jeggings on Fridays.
    7. Avoid unidentified Kleenexes on the classroom floor. And by avoid, I mean run for your life.

    And one more rule. If you try to learn a new photo editing software such as Lightroom, and it takes forever and you hate yourself and you fall in a dramatic heap on the floor and your husband says that this must be the dark side of blogging…

    Then eat a third dinner and buy plane tickets to South Korea and the Philippines for the whole month of June. #totallyrational

    Two people holding plane tickets.

    Hi again. If you want to save money, make pancakes for dinner.

    We’re going to be eating a lot of pancakes.

    Please please please prittyplease whip these up for yourself. I don’t know why they’re so good but they just are. I’ve made them lots of times and every time – seriously – EVERY time, they come out perfectly. Just a little fluffy, with a tiny bit of sweetness, but not overly heavy and filling.

    I mean, why would you make these for breakfast when you could make these for dinner? Pancakes = Dinner. Tonight.

    Stack of pancakes on a plate with a fork and a glass of orange juice.


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    A picture of Classic Dinner Pancakes

    Classic Dinner Pancakes


    These classic DINNER pancakes are my favorite when we have breakfast for dinner. So soft and fluffy and just begging for maple syrup.



    • 3 eggs
    • 1 1/2 cups flour (I use whole wheat pastry flour)
    • 1 teaspoon baking soda
    • 3/4 teaspoon salt
    • 1 tablespoon sugar
    • 1 2/3 cup buttermilk
    • 3 tablespoons butter, melted


    1. Separate eggs; beat egg yolks. Sift dry ingredients; add alternately with buttermilk to the beaten egg yolks. Add melted butter. Whisk the egg whites for about a minute and fold into the batter.
    2. Bake on hot griddle (400 degrees) until bubbles rise in the pancakes, about 3 minutes. Flip and cook another 2 minutes or until golden brown. Serve immediately.


    I use my Griddler for this so I can see the exact temperature of the griddle. 400 degrees is the magic number – it works beautifully every time. It’s one of the higher settings, so if you’re using a skillet I’d set it at medium-high or high.

    • Prep Time: 5 mins
    • Cook Time: 5 mins
    • Category: Dinner
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: dinner pancakes, pancakes for dinner

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    I will not eat seventeen pancakes, I will not eat seventeen pancakes, I will not e…

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