
    Cinnamon White Russian

    This Cinnamon White Russian is a perfect holiday party drink! with just four ingredients - vodka, coffee liquor, cinnamon simple syrup, and cream. |

    This post was created in partnership with Absolut. Enjoy responsibly!

    Tis the season for creamy-sweet Cinnamon White Russians! 🎄

    Preferably shared with friends, at a Christmas party, around a tree and a collection of white elephant gifts that will make you laugh until you cry. Or at least that’s how we do it.

    The reason for Cinnamon White Russians this weekend: it’s been at least five years in the making now that we’ve hosted an annual Christmas party for our friends, and today is our big party day! It started as a reunion of friends from high school (Bjork and I are that half-sweet, half-annoying couple who went to high school together and share basically all of our friends because of it) but it has kind of morphed into a one-big-happy-family party where we invite people from any and all friendship groups with just one long-standing rule:

    You HAVE TO bring a white elephant gift.

    Like, we’re sending you away if you don’t have some kind of shady-looking present in your hands when you show up at the door.

    This Cinnamon White Russian is a perfect holiday party drink! with just four ingredients - vodka, coffee liquor, cinnamon simple syrup, and cream. |

    We’ve hosted the party in some pretty small spaces (first in our 1,000-square foot condo and now in our second even more mighty 900-square foot house) but this year we are getting spacious, adultish, and posh meets hipster with our location choice.

    Yassss – we are bringing the party to the new studio. 👠‼️

    When I think of it, I imagine myself and all my friends in cocktail dresses and heels, or suits and ties, or whatever it is the fancy people in movies wear to parties? I don’t know. And in my vision, we are all standing around fancy appetizer tables, drinks in one hand and holiday cookies in the other, girls touching up our lipstick between sips, and everyone laughing polite and properly, like good party-going fancies.

    And then when I think of it IN REAL LIFE, I remember that while there were a few adorable dresses that made appearances last year, for the most part, we are all there with just a few main goals which include eating, giving and receiving the best possible white elephant gift, and laughing until our faces hurt.

    So I guess we are more THAT kind of party people.

    This Cinnamon White Russian is a perfect holiday party drink! with just four ingredients - vodka, coffee liquor, cinnamon simple syrup, and cream. |
    This Cinnamon White Russian is a perfect holiday party drink! with just four ingredients - vodka, coffee liquor, cinnamon simple syrup, and cream. |

    This year at our party, you may or may not find me with a shaker in hand and these fun little ice cube guys in the other, making these little sweet and creamy fancy sippers for my friends to honor it being the first year for our Christmas party in the studio.

    What I love about this drink:

    1. It tastes so, so good. It basically IS dessert. I mean, you don’t have to make it dessert if you don’t want it so sweet, but as written, it’s sweet and delicious and drinkable. And you’ll need to be careful. Which leads me to #2.
    2. Don’t like cinnamon? I’m going to choose to overlook the fact that you’re a Christmas grinch and tell you that it’s NBD – just switch out the flavor of the syrup for something more your style. We also liked a minty simple syrup in these.
    3. It uses classic Absolut vodka which conveniently is showing up this season in these way-too-fun silver and electric blue Electrick bottles that add to the party experience. The other night when we had them sitting out on our counter in all their festive glory with White Christmas playing in the background, Bjork said: it’s almost like you don’t need to decorate for Christmas. WINNING. They are in stores through the holiday season! Go forth.
    4. As a general rule, these Cinnamon White Russians elevate the party status to a sparkly-fun level while still being 👌👌👌 for the down-to-earth-ness of our party and our people.

    Simple. Decadent. Party perfection.

    This Cinnamon White Russian is a perfect holiday party drink! with just four ingredients - vodka, coffee liquor, cinnamon simple syrup, and cream. |
    This Cinnamon White Russian is a perfect holiday party drink! with just four ingredients - vodka, coffee liquor, cinnamon simple syrup, and cream. |

    Cheers! *clinking all around*


    For the sphere ice cubes (which several of you have asked about in the comments and which are a MUST for this recipe – so darn cute and fancy), I use these Zoku molds:

    However, at the moment they are showing up on Amazon at $40-some dollars for the set (definitely not what I paid for them and definitely not what you should be paying for them, either). If they go down in price, get those ones. I love them.


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    Cinnamon White Russian in a glass with cream.

    Cinnamon White Russian

    • Author: Pinch of Yum
    • Total Time: 10 minutes
    • Yield: makes about 3 cups simple syrup, and as many drinks as you want 1x


    This Cinnamon White Russian is a perfect holiday party drink! with just four ingredients – vodka, coffee liquor, cinnamon simple syrup, and cream.



    Cinnamon Simple Syrup:

    • 3 cups water
    • 3 cups granulated sugar
    • 2 cinnamon sticks

    Cinnamon White Russian:

    • large ice cubes
    • 4 parts Absolut vodka
    • 3 parts coffee liquor
    • 3 parts cinnamon simple syrup
    • 2 parts cream (okay, fine, a little extra won’t hurt)


    1. Make the Cinnamon Simple Syrup: Heat the water, sugar, and cinnamon sticks over medium high heat. Stir until the sugar dissolves. Simmer longer for more cinnamon taste.
    2. Make the Cinnamon White Russian: Place an ice cube in each glass. Add ingredients in order listed. Swirl before and after adding the cream to get everything mixed together real nice. You can also mix the drink in a shaker with ice cubes to chill it faster.
    • Prep Time: 5 mins
    • Cook Time: 5 mins
    • Category: Beverage
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: cinnamon white russian, white russian, christmas cocktail

    Recipe Card powered by Tasty Recipes logo

    This post was created in partnership with Absolut!

    This post also contains affiliate links for those cute ice cube molds on Amazon.

    One More Thing!

    This recipe is part of our collection of favorite drink recipes. Check it out!

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