
    Cinnamon Sugar Zucchini Coffee Cake

    Cinnamon Sugar Zucchini Coffee Cake on a blue plate.

    Cinnamon Sugar Zucchini Coffee Cake may or may not be the best thing to come out of my kitchen all week, but I need to start this post with some b-a-d news:

    House #2, the Charmer, sold.

    After 5 days on the market. To someone else. The same night I posted about it. Dramatic sad mopey face.

    Even though the Charmer isn’t even an option anymore, can I just say how much I loved and appreciated all your advice? There were a few comments that seriously honestly for real might have swayed our house-buying decision one way or the other, and I mean literally just A COMMENT, from you sweet readers, across the internet world somewhere, which is just weird and amazing. You all are a very house savvy bunch, so thanks a mil for taking the time to leave your two cents about which house we should buy.

    The funny thing about this is that now that the Charmer has sold, we don’t feel any special pull towards buying the Happy Easy home. I guess it just wasn’t meant to be with that old cutie and maybe it’s a good sign that we should keep looking. I’ll keep you posted, you house lovers you!

    And when we DO find a house, hey! I know what to make for our We Finally Found a House celebration. It starts with Cinnamon Sugar and ends with Zucchini Coffee Cake.

    Cinnamon Sugar Zucchini Coffee Cake on a blue plate with a fork.

    So do you remember my jumbo ZUCCHINI? All caps for size representation.

    Giant Zucchini on a woman's head.

    Here’s how I’ve used it, by fifths.

    1/5: Zucchini Parmesan
    1/5: Zucchini Pancakes
    1/5: sauteed veggie salad
    2/5: Cinnamon Sugar Zucchini Coffee Cake

    I made this Cinnamon Sugar Zucchini Coffee Cake twice – get it? 2/5? – and the first time I didn’t make it with the middle layer of cinnamon sugar. Like, it didn’t exist in my brain yet.

    But then the second time I got this food vision for an extra cinnamon sugar layer through the middle because I like things that are have sticky sugary middle layers, yeah? Go look at one of the pictures and see if you can spot that little layer in there. It’s subtle, like the kind of thing where you might not notice it at first bite and then BOOM! You get a forkful that has that sweet layer running through it and your world is rocked. If you don’t like sticky cinnamon sugar middle layers in your zucchini coffee cake, you’re allowed to leave it out. Buuut that does make you a weirdo.

    Cinnamon Sugar Zucchini Coffee Cake on a fork.

    PS. Possibly even more than middle layers, I like LOVE cinnamon sugar top layers. For the heavenly top crust on this zucchini coffee cake, the butter and sugar and cinnamon get crumb-ed, spread over the top, and baked into some kind of wonderful cinnamon sugar crunchyyy. There you are going about your business, and all of a sudden you find yourself eating this thin crunchy cinnamon sugar layer on a cake that sort of melts in your mouth and that just so happens to have VEGGIEZ in it, and I bet you’re having a lot of fun.

    This is one of those cakes that you can eat for breakfast, morning snack time, after school snack time, bedtime snack time, dessert, and come to think of it, anytime in your whole life.

    I adore anytime cake.

    Cinnamon Sugar Zucchini Coffee Cake on a blue plate.


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    Zucchini Cake Recipe

    Cinnamon Sugar Zucchini Coffee Cake


    This Cinnamon Sugar Zucchini Coffee Cake is so simple! It takes about 10 minutes to make and has two layers of cinnamon sugar. Mmm.



    For the cake

    • 1 1/3 cups brown sugar
    • 1/3 cup oil (I used olive oil but Canola oil works too)
    • 1 egg
    • 1 cup buttermilk (you can sub milk + vinegar, even almond milk!)
    • 1 teaspoon baking soda
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla
    • 1/4 teaspoon salt (I just eyeballed a little pinch)
    • 2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
    • 1 1/2 cups grated zucchini
    • 1 tablespoon orange zest

    For the topping

    • 1 cup sugar
    • 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
    • 2 tablespoons butter


    1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.
    2. Press or drain the excess moisture out of the zucchini shreds. Mix the cake ingredients in order given.
    3. Combine the topping ingredients with your fingers or in a food processor to make a crumbly topping. Pour half of the batter into a greased 9×13 cake pan. Cover with half of the crumbs. Repeat with the remaining batter and topping.
    4. Bake for 45 minutes. The top will be crunchy and textured and the cake will bounce back when you gently press it. And then it will be gone fast.
    • Prep Time: 10 mins
    • Cook Time: 45 mins
    • Category: Dessert
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: cinnamon sugar zucchini coffee cake, zucchini coffee cake, coffee cake recipe

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    Happy Labor Day to all the laborers! Now go make a cake.

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