    HomeWhat I Ate Wednesday

    What I Ate Wednesday

    Eating in Real Life (Sugar Free, Part 3)

    We believe that one of the best, most interesting, most inspiring ways to talk about food is in the context of REAL LIFE EATING. We’re […]

    Eating in Real Life (Sugar Free, Part 2)

    Technically, yes, it is our job to deliver fresh and beautiful food content. But when you take away the fancy pictures, the fun new recipes, […]

    Eating In Real Life (Sugar Free, Part 1)

    We believe that one of the best, most interesting, most inspiring ways to talk about food is in the context of REAL LIFE EATING. That’s […]

    What I Ate Wednesday • July

    And now we shall exit Recipe Blog Mode and just be real about what we actually eat!

    What I Ate Wednesday • June

    You guys! Things are busy around here! And I am hunnn-gry! Welcome to a food day in my life.

    What I Ate Wednesday • May

    Hello and welcome to my private food life! As in, the foods I eat when I’m just… living life. Like a person. Not in food […]

    What I Ate Wednesday • April

    And we’re back! With What I Ate Wednesdays! By popular demand! And by popular demand, I mean one person (my sister) casually told me she […]

    What I Ate Wednesday • Week 4

    Wednesday again?! Wednesday always kind of sneaks up on me – but especially this week! We’ve been transitioning Solvi into a crib this week, and […]

    What I Ate Wednesday • Week 3

    Time for our weekly review! What I Ate Wednesday, comin in hot. This week’s highlights (and lowlights!) include: Naturally sweet desserts – and my mixed […]

    What I Ate Wednesday • Week 2

    Oh, hi! We’re two weeks into Sugar Free January and let’s just say – we’re feeling energized and eating amazing food and loving it so […]